Vani’s World

A professor of mine once told me that we can imagine each of us is living just like we’re painting on a canvas: we are the creator of our life story, we’re the one who has to live with and stare at what we create, and it’s up to us whether we’d like to paint a beautiful dream or a horrible nightmare.

The thing about painting a nightmare is that the painter usually doesn’t understand that dreams are an option. Those who paint nightmares have been taught to paint nightmares (usually since childhood). If we choose to paint a beautiful dream, not only do we personally get to focus on it, someone else who had previously only thought to paint nightmares might be inspired by our dreams.

This is really how I live and teach! I believe we’re all worth helping and encouraging, and that if we think the world is cold, we don’t get to complain unless we make it our business to build fires. No one else can paint our canvas for us - no matter what nightmares we’ve experienced, we have to choose to live a dream and recognize doing so is our decision.

No part of my intuitive practice is about party tricks or impressing skeptics. I work with those who want to learn to paint dreams. I teach my clients to feel better on purpose.

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3-Month Intuitive Mentorship


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If you have questions about me, my process, or my services, please send them over!