B is for: Bonds & Barriers

This post is the second in a series I’m so excited about: “The ABC’s of What I’ve Learned as a Medium and Intuitive Healer.” This has been my full-time career for years, and I am thrilled for the opportunity to share what I’ve learned!

Bonds & Barriers

It’s become my opinion that most patterns of pain can be traced back to one of two energetic contributors: subtle energy bonds and/or poor energetic barriers. Even when a client didn’t technically come to talk to me about one of these things, we regularly end up having to discuss them, as they’re relevant so much of the time. We most regularly find subtle energy bonds in our energetic barriers, so these two really go hand-in-hand!

Energetic Barriers

Our energetic barriers are the twelve layers of our personal auric fields, and can essentially be broken into four categories: physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual boundaries. They overlap, so layers 1-3 are physical, 2-4 are emotional, 4-6 are relational, and 6-12 are spiritual.

These are meant to be the barriers between us and the world, helping us filter, process, and understand the information coming toward us. (Energy is just moving information.) Unfortunately, most of us have barriers that are slashed to hell - they’ve been battered and broken repeatedly without any healing to restore them. Our barriers are only healed by energy work or genuine changes in behavior, which is very difficult with energetic baggage present. (This is what we do in energy healing - we tangibly get energy moving so one can have an easier time changing behaviors which would normally be much more difficult to change with energetic blocks, bonds, damage, etc. present.)

Our broken barriers contribute heavily to repeating behavior - once a behavior is present in our subtle energy systems, we’re much more likely to continue on with the behavior. If we have a pattern in the third layer of our auric field affecting our relationship with food, we will struggle to break free not just because of the pattern, but because this layer will work with our third chakra and add emotional problems concerning willpower, determination, and self-confidence. If we have gaping holes in the first and second layer of our auric field from having been abused as a child, we’re going to meet people whose trauma matches ours, and now we’re being yelled at again as an adult.

Most of this post will be devoted to subtle energy bonds - but the two really go hand-in-hand! Our subtle bonds are most regularly in our energetic barriers (the layers of our auric field), so they’re affecting particular concerns. As you read about the bonds, think about this! If we have a bond with a parent draining the fourth layer of our auric field (related to the heart chakra - the fourth layer is an emotional and relational barrier), it’s going to affect every expression of love in our life. If a bond draining one of intuitive gifts is in the third layer of our auric field (related to the solar plexus chakra - the third layer is a physical and emotional barrier) we will experience issues with self-esteem regarding our gifts, as well as willpower to even want to work on them, etc.

Subtle Energy Bonds

Subtle energy bonds (I will also refer to these as attachments or subtle attachments) are energetic links between people, people and spirits (humans who have passed away), or people and non-human entities (a lot of people see this and read demons, but the options are actually fairly endless and not all of them are negative). Attachments, at the structural level, are for the entire lifetime unless one does the work to remove them. This means even an inactive bond with someone you don’t speak to can have consequences, as the bond itself will go on until it’s removed. They are found in the layers of our auric field (most common), or our meridians, nadis, chakras, and acupoints. (These are generally what I’m referring to when I say “subtle energy systems:” these are the channels by which subtle energy flows through and around the body or the warehouses where information is stored in between moving, respectively.)

I perceive bonds in different, particular colors which let me know the likely relationship between parties (I have yet to work with anyone who perceives them exactly like I do [not to say they don’t exist - I’m saying I haven’t met them yet] - I’d love to know if anyone else has a color system and especially if their colors match mine). Each also has a different general “vibe” about them: some may look heavy, icky, throbbing, wet, etc. - some look lovely, bright, and charming. Sincerely! Everyone’s intuitive gifts are incredibly unique - trust how you perceive these attachments and trust that what you perceive is a representation of what you need to see to get the information you need. I also tune into an attachment as I’m working on it to feel the flow of energy - I feel in my own body whether the exchange is a gentle trickle, a good flow back and forth, or rushing or draining in one direction. For each type of attachment, if you cannot see it, try to feel its presence and sense the shape of it or anything else which may come through - there’s a lot of information available through each intuitive gift. One can receive information about attachments through psychic sight, hearing, feeling, or knowing, and each is valid. 

I’ve been very lucky to work with many psychics and energy healers at different levels and from different cultures, and I have yet to meet another who perceives these things exactly as I do! (Even if they pick up on the same exact thing, they almost always got the information a different way.) This is why I make such a point to say how I perceive anything energetic, I don’t expect you to perceive it exactly the same way. If you’re expecting your gifts or intuition to look exactly like someone else’s, you’re likely to miss out on many of your abilities! I regularly mentor students who have gifts they don’t recognize because they’ve been looking for them in the wrong places or expecting something very specific and missing the actuality of it.


Many are familiar with the most prevalent type of subtle energy bond: a cord. Everyone living has energetic cords. To me, a soul cord looks just like that, like a hollowed out cord through which energy flows back and forth. A cord is between two beings, though other attachments can be between more. A cord exchanges energy (information) - that’s it’s function. In some cases, these bonds are positive! We have soul cords with our entangled souls which were agreed upon with our spirit guides before anyone was born into the current lifetime. When these go well and there's a healthy flow of energy in each direction, these can help us and our lives immensely. 

Our active cords will be between us and entangled souls (those whom we know well in spirit and regularly incarnate with), as well as souls with whom we’re not technically entangled but with whom we share some past-life history. Each of these kinds of cords stay active throughout the entire lifetime (energy will always be exchanged) regardless of whether negative information is being passed and regardless of whether the two people are still involved with one another. Spirit will almost never deactivate these cords, and despite popular opinion, they're *very* hesitant to ever dissolve one between entangled souls - I have facilitated several “cord cuttings” between entangled souls and I have only seen Spirit willing to do so when the relationship has become dangerous. Everything entangled souls do on this plane will contribute to what they have to do in future lifetimes, and deciding to end a contract that way has future-life consequences, so Spirit will only do it in extreme cases. Negative information passed through these soul cords during a lifetime contributes heavily to karma the two will have to work through in later lifetimes. 

We also usually have active post-birth cords, created since we were born this lifetime between our higher self and someone else’s, and not necessarily with the oversight of spirit guides. I regularly see these cause many problems, and our guides are usually willing to help us dissolve them.

Nearly everyone has inactive cords - these are cords where the contract may or may not have been fulfilled, but in any case they have been “deactivated” by one’s spirit guides: essentially labeled no longer applicable. While the cord and contract have been labeled non-applicable, these cords can still exchange energy and affect us in large ways. When our guides deactivate a harmful cord, this does not necessarily mean energy isn’t being exchanged, but that your guides have attempted to move the cord to a less prevalent area (such as from a chakra back in your auric field, into a further layer of your auric field, etc.), and that they have labeled it inapplicable. *Spirit does not have the ability to remove something like this without permission or consent, that’s why you must participate in removal of attachments.* There are also still many factors involved in this! Firstly, a person may not have many or any spirit guides (one’s number of spirit guides is heavily dependent on how they’re living) to help them with deactivating negative cords. Even once a cord falls into this category, it can still affect us by exchanging energy if it was a toxic enough connection to begin with. A cord which is technically inactive can still exchange very specific kinds of energy . Though our guides work to deactivate these cords, we also regularly reactivate them by going back to the same thoughts, feelings, or behaviors which allowed a negative bond in the first place. The only full termination is dissolving these cords, which our guides are happy to help us with. 

Other Subtle Energy Bonds

The rest of these bonds are not prevalent for everyone or even most people, however I do come across each with some regularity. I will put them in order of which I come across most often.

After cords, the subtle energy bonds I see most often are miasms. A miasm is a familial bond in nature. These can be placed upon an entire family by an outside entity, or it can be placed by someone within the family to ensure everyone in their line follows their system and psychological rules, no matter how unhealthy (I see the latter with significantly more regularity). To me, it looks intuitively like a net in the auric field, and that same pattern will be seen in each member of the family who is affected. When alcoholism runs in families, I often find miasms which are holding everyone involved in either an addict or enabler role. Everyone involved in a miasm has a role in the net, and the same situation will play out with the person in that role in different areas of their life until the underlying energy is addressed. In every case, miasms should be dissolved. These are regularly held over from more inherently magical lifetimes - when I see those who have had past lives on planets which had a lot of magical properties or when I see someone with past lives as nonhuman entities - miasms are regularly held over from lifetimes like that, as one on Earth, for instance, wouldn’t likely know how to place one (I’ve yet to come across anyone with a miasm which was placed this lifetime).

Another type of subtle energy bond is bondage. Some people call these “curses,” it’s just not my favorite term. With these attachments, one party has been tricked or forced into them. They look to me intuitively like spaghetti or tangled cords. They take more energy to dissolve than cords, especially as these are also often familial and affecting a whole line. I usually see these when an ancestor has passed trauma down to their descendants. Like miasms, these are generally from past lives rather than this one, and only being reactivated for this lifetime. In every case, bondage should be dissolved.

Another is markers. These look intuitively like X’s to me, and they mark a person to tell others how to treat them. They’re similar to bondage in that the person affected by the marker did not typically agree to it. They’re often responsible for patterns of treatment in our lives, like when we have the same situation with bosses or coworkers, or friends or partners treating us the same way over and over, etc. In almost every case, markers should be dissolved.

Finally is implants - these are not technically a bond in the traditional sense as they’re not bonding us to someone else, however, they do bond us to a former version of us. I come across implants pretty rarely! These are usually in people who have had lifetimes elsewhere, places more technologically advanced than Earth, as these come from when someone passed away with a medical device or other foreign implant in their body. Usually, it’s a former medical device meant to help (such as an equivalent to a pacemaker, a stint to help someone walk, etc.), but we don’t do well with passing away with foreign matter in the body and sometimes, a subtle version of this implant will show up in one of our subtle energy systems, causing symptoms this lifetime. In every case, implants should be dissolved.

Energy healing is one process of working with Spirit to remove subtle energy bonds, fill in and clean up the auric layers, and begin to feel better on purpose!

In any of these cases, there is something which can be done! Knowledge is everything. Often, just knowing about these things begins to change the way we move through the world. We can only clean these things up with energy work or changed behavior - it’s always our choice!

Through my Etsy shop, I offer a PDF reading specifically to look at negative energetic bonds of all kinds.

As well as a reading specifically for soul cords each positive and negative. 

Thanks for reading! I’d love to hear what you think, and I’d love to hear what these things look/feel like for you when you intuitively perceive them!


C is for: Chakras


A is for: Ascension Paths