C is for: Chakras
This post is part of a series I’m so excited about: “The ABC’s of What I’ve Learned as a Medium and Intuitive Healer.” This is my full-time career, and I am thrilled for the opportunity to share what I’ve learned!
The importance of our chakras cannot be overstated! Not only for mental, emotional, and spiritual matters - but for our very everyday physical and material lives as well. Considering it’s an oft-covered topic, most clients whom I work with don’t initially understand their chakras or what their purpose is, and this understanding can really reshape one’s life, as everything we encounter begins and ends in our chakras!
*For the purposes of this (and every conversation I have): when I say “energy” I mean “vibrating information.” Energy is moving information. If you say, “That person has bad energy,” you’re implying you don’t like the information you’re receiving. We receive a lot more information than we think from others, all of which is being filtered through our chakras and auric fields, respectively. Theirs is doing this too. Meaning if we find someone’s information to contain “bad vibes,” we can be pretty sure they feel the same about us! It’s really just a filtering process to see who and what in a room aligns with what we already believe to be true. The words “vibration” and “frequency” have been overused to the point that their meaning has usually been lost, but they’re very literal! We are each on one frequency: the rate at which we personally are vibrating. Our baseline vibration is made up of thousands of individual vibrations, and by raising one (again, this can be thought of as a physical raising of a tangible vibratory rate), we raise our frequency! When I help clients relieve the body and energetic systems of the lowest vibrations like grief, terror, and insecurity, their baseline vibration and frequency is so much lighter afterward, I swear they should physically weigh less!*
Chakras are essentially information centers, like little warehouses in and out of our bodies: they store information, emotions, memories, and more, while converting said energy into physical energy. They really control our vibrations and overall frequency. I’ve begun to think of them as Visitor’s Centers over the years, as I can tell so much about the client with whom I’m visiting by what I find in the chakras. They hold our fundamental belief systems about the world and work with our auric layers to ensure we run into every situation in the area which can confirm what we already think is true.
Each chakra works with the layers of our personal auric field to create our external circumstances. For example: If someone holds a deficiency in their first chakra which tells them they have reason to be afraid of the world in a general sense, the first layer of their auric field, informed by that first chakra, will constantly look around for situations nearby to confirm that bias - anything around which could make that person more fearful, they’re almost sure to run into it. This is manifestation in action! This is why when we’re irritated or angry, we seem to find every other angry person in the vicinity to connect to (hello, road rage incidents). Thankfully, this also creates happy accidents, where two people with positive beliefs and similar frequencies meet at the right time and place, and create something beautiful.
So, our chakras hold onto our beliefs and our subtle energy inside us, and our auric field finds nearby situations to confirm that belief outside us. This means for our outer circumstances to change, to create something new, we have to start by changing our insides - changing our subtle energy and allowing our belief systems to be challenged. Changing our deeply-held, most limiting beliefs has huge effects on the chakras and thus the auric field, and suddenly we can bring new feelings, jobs, friends, partners, and all kinds of excitement into our lives. We also suddenly find ourselves responding differently to the situations we were already in. Someone we couldn’t stand becomes a friend; a family member we didn’t speak to reconnects with us; a formerly despised boss becomes tolerable - new connections are available when we start from the inside and work our way out! This is why I am so passionate about what I do as an intuitive healer - these changes to our insides have huge, ever-lasting effects on the outside and we get to live a little or a lot happier, and with more intention, as a result.
Many are familiar with the seven main in-body chakras, widely known as the Hindu chakra system. There are more chakras than this, many more (even in-body), but the seven main in-body are the chakras which govern most aspects of our everyday lives and what we are manifesting, as well as most aspects of personal intuitive gifts.
There are also five personal out-of-body chakras (each also works with a respective auric layer). These hold our past-life traumas and experiences, connections to our ancestors and elemental beings, very unique and personal psychic or intuitive gifts, and so much more. In most people, these five chakras and auric layers remain dormant. These are inherently more spiritual chakras which involve a lot of self-discovery as well as spiritual discovery and interest, and they’re simply not applicable to everyone’s day-to-day lifestyle!
In my practice, I work most closely with the twelve chakras (in- and out-of-body) which govern the twelve layers of our personal auric fields, and look at secondary chakras when necessary.
With any chakra (or auric layer, nadi, meridian, etc. - any subtle energy system can be similarly afflicted, but chakras are the most important) we may find blocks (think of these as deficiencies) or energy being used improperly (think of these as excesses), these will most-often be stemming from personal behavior informed by negative belief systems.
In many other cases, issues with the subtle energy systems are not our causing, and we’re only contributing to them without realizing. Sometimes this comes in the form of subtle energy bonds in the subtle systems. These can be from this lifetime or past lifetimes, and regularly, there’s a good mix of both! In other cases, rather than subtle bonds, we will see energy “sitting” in a chakra or the auric field, as well as within other subtle energy systems, or even occasionally superimposed on physical body parts. These are subtle elements, feelings, shapes, numbers, symbols, colors, patterns, & *very* rarely, sounds. Energy, again, is just information. Information tends to sort itself into recognizable matter, and that’s why we may find information in the form of a shape or color just sitting in the subtle energy systems - it’s there to tell us something. If I see the color pink sitting in the seventh layer of someone’s auric field, it’s there to tell me something specific and very different than seeing a broken square in the third layer. This is how we diagnose life situations based on subtle energy!
Not every one of the above situations will be applicable for everyone, because subtle energy is unique to each individual and what they’ve been through in this and past lives.
I’m going to go through each of the twelve aforementioned chakras and how they’re meant to develop, as well as some common situations I see within some!
The Seven Main In-Body Chakras
1) The First or Root Chakra (Muladhara)
The first chakra is really the first in so many ways. This chakra is the first to develop after we’re born, beginning within our first year of life, and holds our fundamental beliefs about safety, survival, and security. As well as groundedness and the basic right to be a person and do well in this world! We are taught as a child whether we should feel we deserve to be here, or whether we are a burden to our family (which is really our first society). If the latter is the case, if a baby with a developing root chakra is taught that their cries are a burden and that their family does not want to take care of their physical needs, they will likely feel like everyone in the world feels this way about them for the rest of time without help. One reason negligence is so traumatic for a child this young is that their fundamental beliefs about safety, security, and survival are being created. If this is how their physical safety is treated, what can we expect for their emotional safety when the emotional chakras have begun to develop? How well can they be taught to relate to others if this very first, most fundamental relationship is painful? A child born into an unsafe or negligent environment is taught from the beginning that they are a problem. Their life and existence is a problem. This will affect every single move forward they make.
*When I have a client approaching parenthood, I gently remind that there is nothing going on in an adult’s life which is as important as this. There is quite literally nothing an adult could be going through which is more important than their obligation to help their child get through the first years of their life safely so their chakras can develop healthily for the rest of their lifetime - what happens during this time cannot be undone.*
That isn’t to say a person with an unhealthy root chakra is broken or cannot be helped. As an adult, it becomes our responsibility to repair what has been done to us, even if it wasn’t our fault. We can want to be better, to move through the world feeling safe and secure, or we can decide the trauma placed on us means we have to be traumatized for the rest of our life. A lot of my work really is helping adults recognize that no one will do this work for us, and that even if we were treated horribly in our youth, we are still the only one who can make our life better as an adult. When I work with adults who are traumatized, who have not had one day of their life go the way they would like, we are often starting with the root chakra and trauma held within.
*As mentioned before, all chakras are converting subtle energy (in the form of beliefs, feelings, thoughts) into physical energy. When we do not deal with our emotions and thoughts, they turn into physical problems which we will hopefully be forced to deal with. This is something a lot of us don’t recognize! Our physical body is always trying to pull us toward understanding our energetic maladies. So with each of these chakras, the emotional concerns become physical at a point.*
People who have chronic problems in the root chakra regularly also have problems in the pelvic area. With the genital organs or adrenal glands, excretory functions, some kidney function, or bladder function. This can also affect the pelvic bone structure if there are enough problems.
Several chakras also either govern or have a heavy hand in different psychic or intuitive gifts. One who does not feel secure, grounded, and safe at the base cannot really engage in most intuitive behavior very well because they will always be using it for this first, most fundamental thing. Minimum, they will not be able to control their gifts to the best of their ability. Those with heavily damaged root chakras will find clairsentience (clear feeling - sensing others’ subtle energy) and claircognizance (clear knowing - the ability to just know something psychically) nearly impossible, and it really does have a heavy hand in all gifts!
2) The Second or Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
Our sacral chakra develops next, and as a child this is mostly about creativity. Every single child on this earth is creative, whether they are artistic or not. We often don’t think about the fact that coming up with resourceful and unique solutions is incredibly creative, and this is something children excel at. Coming up with an internal world we play in is creative (and we could stand to do this as adults). Culture teaches us that the best thing we can do as parents is break our children's creativity and ask them to all think and behave the same way.
This is the first emotional chakra to develop, and each of our chakras really wants to build upon the next. So let’s begin an example of how things work if our chakras are given room to develop perfectly (though no one’s are): our first chakra is developed and we have been taught within our first years of life that we are safe and secure, that our survival matters to the people who love us - basically that we should exist in this world. Now comes the expression of our personality and what we want to make of our personality! This really comes from the sacral chakra or second chakra.
When this is nurtured, we are capable of being a unique individual and recognizing that everyone else is a unique individual worthy of hyping up. Jealousy can be a huge problem which absolutely wrecks the sacral chakra because our souls know that we are not supposed to be jealous, but excited and grateful whenever anyone else puts creativity into this world. We should not look at someone else’s expression of creativity and be jealous, because we know they are expressing from their place as themselves, and we must express from our place as us. If we try to do someone else’s art, we are creating something inauthentic. No one else’s art can line up with our soul’s exact experience and we know it - this is why plagiarized art rings immediately untrue and why we don’t like the very notion of AI creating art, it doesn’t make any sense for something without a soul to create. We know AI art when we see it because it’s distinctly soulless. All these belief systems begin and end in the sacral chakra!
Much later in life, as this chakra goes through its second awakening (we really cycle through awakening and re-awakening each at different ages and stages of life - if we didn’t learn fundamental lessons about safety as a child, we’re given a chance during subsequent awakenings of the root chakra, for instance), it will have a lot to do with sexual expression, which again is a creative act! Not just the physical creation of new people, but the mental and emotional creation of intimacy between lovers is a very creative act as well. (And again, jealousy can wreak havoc in the chakra - sexual or creative envy can take over every aspect of our lives.)
This also holds our belief in our own abilities. If we don’t believe in the things we can create, we are never going to use this with our third chakra to go out and get what we want! The second chakra is everything to do with how we express ourselves and our feelings, not how we express our thoughts.
The physical energy here mostly has to do with our ovaries, testes, intestines, prostate, sacrum. Fertility issues regularly begin as chronic problems in the sacral chakra, either because children were introduced to sexuality too young and were traumatized, or because creation as a vibration has been energetically broken within the body, so one cannot then create a human being.
The sacral chakra has an incredibly heavy hand in clairsentience (clear feeling), as well as many, many sub-gifts which involve the intuitive use of sensing others’ feelings.
3) The Third or Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Continuing our perfect example: our root chakra has been developed and we feel safe and secure, our second chakra has been developed so we know who we are, what we want to create, and how we want to express ourselves emotionally within the world. Now it’s time for our solar plexus chakra to develop so we can take these beliefs and this creativity and go out and do something with it.
The solar plexus is the last of our physical chakras, and the second of our emotional chakras. This is where we learn to use our emotions to our benefit. One thing we all hear regularly is that people believe emotions are weak. Emotions are to be beaten, stamped down, shoved to the core and thoughts are to reign. The problem is, a thought cannot work without an emotion to inform it. Our emotions tell us what we do and don’t like about this world so that our thoughts can tell us how to empower or fix it. There is not a single feeling or thought that comes to us that we are not supposed to do something with. They are there for a reason and it is sincerely mathematical. Our feelings are meant to inform our thoughts so that the two together can inform our behavior. Then we are meant to rest, and do that cycle over again. Most of us find ourselves doing a daily cycle over and over because our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are not aligned, and we live on autopilot without ever really moving forward out of the same thoughts and feelings.
All of this is really the home of the solar plexus chakra! We have to accept that the global culture and paradigm is pushing us away from personal health and wellness and pushing us toward concern with ensuring each of ours is each the richest country. The global paradigm is going to tell us that the actions we need to take are about getting more money and buying more things to look more impressive (they’re never teaching us to actually be more impressive, are they?). However, most solar plexus chakras are having problems because we don’t have the willpower to go out and get anything that actually matters to us. We don’t have the willpower and determination to heal, to find wellness, to recognize that no one will bring wellness to us and it is our responsibility to create it. This is the home of the solar plexus chakra. We know we are worthy and creative beings and as our solar plexus chakra develops it tells us to do something about it. This is how we express ourselves in the world, how we show our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors to others.
The most regular problem I find in the solar plexus chakra is in self-esteem. A deficiency in the solar plexus chakra almost always looks like too-low self-esteem to go out and be the creative person we were meant to be. Again, creativity is not all about artistry. Those in business would do very well to be creative. Good parents are creative. Unique solutions to problems are creative. Being good at anything really requires being creative, unless you only want to do what has already been done. We are meant to be creative, come up with new ways to do things, come up with new ways to solve problems. That is why our souls are here in these human bodies: to feel, think, and do new things. Low self-esteem is maybe the number one thing holding humanity back in the eyes of Spirit. We have been taught to look at confidence as something it is not, and we have been taught to look for confidence in the wrong places. When we use our solar plexus chakra in tandem with our first and second chakra, when we believe in our worth, our creative abilities, and we have the self-esteem to use those things, we are unstoppable.
Less regularly, I see the opposite problem. An excess in the solar plexus chakra where someone has too much confidence, but doesn’t necessarily have the physical security or emotional awareness to move forward either, and they’re usually stuck in constant motion. The ability to self-empower and take steps which show we have really understood our own motivations, this is firmly the home of the solar plexus chakra.
Physically, our solar plexus chakra deals with our digestive systems and the whole stomach area, our liver, spleen, and gallbladder. As well as our pancreas. A lot to do with how we physically filter and process. We are also getting into the spine and it has a lot to do with our lower vertebrae.
The solar plexus chakra has a heavy hand in having the self-esteem to believe in any of our intuitive gifts. Those who have significant problems in the solar plexus chakras generally don’t believe in their gifts enough to move forward with them.
4) The Fourth or Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The heart chakra is our final emotional chakra and our first relational chakra. If everything has developed perfectly, now, we are supposed to take the fact that we feel safe and use it to make others feel safe. We are supposed to know we are a creative being and help others be creative beings (recognizing that our world will be better with as many creatives in it as possible - jealousy is poison). We are supposed to have willpower and confidence, and we are supposed to empower the willpower and confidence of others. This is the heart chakra. Knowing that anything you need: others need it too. Learning not to be selfish. Learning that others need the same love and kindness that you would hope they would give you. The same respect you would hope they would give you.
I have lost count of the number of clients who have told me they simply refuse to respect others because they have never been shown any respect. I understand this, I get it, but it breaks my heart. The only way to receive respect is to give it, as counterintuitive as that feels to those of us who have been damaged since youth. Giving respect and getting respect are two sides of the same vibrational spectrum. To earn respect, one must give it. There is no other vibrational possibility: it is vibrationally impossible to be disrespectful and receive respect in return. Same with compassion and forgiveness! People come to intuitive healing wondering why they haven’t been given forgiveness or compassion by others, not recognizing that they aren’t forgiving or showing compassion to the people who hurt them. We will never get something from the Universe which we ourselves are unwilling to give - it’s not possible.
All this, the way we relate to others and the way we want others to relate to us, this is the home of the heart chakra. It is connection and love of all kinds, and knowing that everyone else with a heart chakra is deserving of the same love, kindness, and respect we wish we had every moment of our lives. If we perpetuate hatred, disrespect, and ugliness when we walk into a room, we do not get to call ourselves a spiritual being because Spirit is, in every case, against behaving this way. There is no empowerment to be found for anyone involved in being hateful or perpetuating the ugliness done to us. Being hurt and choosing to perpetuate love: that is Spirit. If you’re rolling your eyes at this, you need to hear it most. I know as a former eye-roller myself. Connecting to Spirit comes first from forgiving what has happened to us, showing compassion for those who hurt us because we know they couldn’t have done it if they felt good themselves, and agreeing to move forward as the loving being we came to earth to be. This is the heart chakra.
Physically, this chakra has a significant amount to do with the heart and lungs. I regularly find people who have difficult bonds or repeating concerns in the heart chakra have irregular heartbeats or problems with breathing. It has a lot to do with our circulatory systems, how we receive oxygen, and the chest and breasts.
Love, appreciation, gratitude - we have these things for the Divine or we don’t, and having these feelings for the Divine and for the other people around us really opens us up to doing better with each of our intuitive gifts! In those who are unpleasant as a general way of being, the heart chakra is usually contributing to unwanted issues within use of intuition.
5) The Fifth or Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
I find problems in the throat chakra more than any others, and a big part of it is that this is one we tend to lie to ourselves about quite a bit. The throat chakra is how we communicate, but also how we understand communication from others. The throat chakra is a purely relational chakra. Everything involved is about how we relate to and communicate with others, and how we relate to our higher selves.
Continuing with our example of a person with perfect chakras: we are a safe and secure individual who recognizes their own creativity and who has the willpower and determination to go out and get what we want with those things. We also recognize that others are worthy of those same feelings, and we use our heart chakra to empower others to feel that way. Now, our throat chakra should be able to communicate exactly this way. Our throat chakra wants only to be an honest voice for our heart chakra, and it always is. If we use our voice in unpleasant ways, it’s a reflection of what’s in our heart.
Most problems I find in the throat chakra come from excesses, namely regular: fighting, fury, yelling and shouting, lying, and cheating, each of which creates significant issues energetically.
Someone who feels safe, creative, confident, and loving does not need to fight, scream, or shout. Regular yelling, fury, rage - I’m not trivializing them because they’re incredibly painful. Because they’re incredibly painful, we really have to become comfortable saying that someone who has healthy chakras does not behave this way, which really means that someone who is internally healthy is not behaving this way. It’s actually impossible for a person with healthy chakras to take out their feelings on other people in a general sense, which is what rage, fury, and yelling do. This is the home of the throat chakra.
Lying is an energetic problem within the throat chakra, as is cheating on a partner (due not only, but heavily, to the lying involved). A person who lies habitually is not expressing themselves from a place of authenticity, and is out of line with their inner being because of that. To Spirit, the only acceptable lie is one which keeps everyone involved safe when they are in significant and immediate danger, and there is evidence of this as this is the only kind of lie which does not directly abuse the throat chakra. Going back to our example, this is because when we feel safe, creative, confident, and loving - we rarely have anything to lie about.
Physically, this chakra governs the throat, ears, mouth, jaw, and vocal cords. I also regularly see thyroid problems in those who have regular excesses in the throat chakra. Significant problems with the teeth regularly also come from regular excesses in the throat chakra.
I hate to harp on this, but I’m going to go back to it, and really think about this. Our physical body and energetic systems hate rage, lying, and yelling so much that it destroys our physical throat, teeth, and thyroid to behave that way. A lie, especially a lie meant to hurt someone, cannot come out of our throat without causing damage to everything it touches. This is why we really have to see things like lying and cheating as self-violence and not “just” harm to a partner (which should not ever be a just, we should care for our partners as we care for ourselves and as we would hope they would care for us, or what’s the point?) - we actively tear our own energy systems apart when we engage in these behaviors.
None of this feels good for the person doing it. It doesn’t feel good for the people around either, but having an unhealthy throat chakra is very painful for the person themselves. Not one of us on this planet likes yelling, to say so is a lie at worst and a fantasy at best. We would rather not yell, we would rather not express rage to the people around us, even selfishly, because to do so genuinely feels terrible to the person doing it. We yell and express rage only when we have no control over the situation and have convinced ourselves that volume is an adequate stand-in for that control. Whether we believe this or not, the same is true of lying and cheating. When we are energetically healthy, we do not engage in these behaviors, so doing so can and should be seen as a loss of control in self-behavior. This comes from an unhealthy throat chakra and failure to understand how to communicate. Yelling, lying, cheating, or expressing rage habitually is, by definition, forcing our energetic issues onto another person or people. We have to be willing to admit these things: when we have control over our behavior, when we feel good, when we’re doing well, we simply don’t feel the need to lie or yell. Feeling better has to begin with admitting the problem, and I find the problems in the throat chakra are some of the hardest for us to admit and feel the absolute worst.
Less frequently but still regularly, I find deficiencies to do with those who do not stand or speak up for themselves, and allow their boundaries to be consistently crossed. When one does not feel free to express their voice, their heart is locked up and remains unspoken for, and it’s incredibly painful. This creates a heavy block in the throat chakra. When I work with these in energy healing and one releases a long-held block like this, there is almost always sobbing or screaming involved - it is sincerely traumatizing to hold this many unsaid words in the throat.
Clairaudience (clear hearing) is not only helped but governed by the throat chakra. Someone who has a blocked or significantly damaged throat chakra cannot connect to clairaudient gifts.
6) The Sixth or Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
The third eye is our first spiritual chakra, and our final relational chakra! This is mostly how we relate to our higher self and to ideas about society at large, and how we use these things to plan and then build our future.
Continuing our example, if our chakras developed perfectly: we are safe, creative, confident, loving, and we comfortably and honestly express all those things. Now we can begin to understand how to build our own future.
Our third eye chakra governs our intuition and perception. It has a lot to do with our self-acceptance and self-image, and especially in how we relate these things to our higher self and how we go about building our lives out of all this. It governs how well we look to the future, not in terms of precognition, but in terms of knowing we create our own physical lives and have to work hard to do so. Using our intuition is incredibly logical, it can be seen as the most logical thing we can do! The third eye is where we learn that our intuitive nudges are logical nudges about how to make our future a little better than our present - a little more knowledgeable, aware, exciting, fun. Following our intuition, in every case, means building a better life for ourselves. That’s what our intuition is for. It has a purpose! All this comes together in the sixth chakra.
The excesses I see here usually look like one trying to force a certain view of the future: they have exactly one acceptable version of their future in mind and nothing else will do, so they end up missing a lot of opportunities for beautiful situations because the future never looks exactly like we imagine it (and it shouldn’t - we can’t imagine it as good as it can actually be when we open to the possibility of co-creation with our higher selves). Deficiencies generally look like the opposite: complete inability to look forward or realistically create future plans. This chakra is developing as we’re maturing (think getting out of your childhood home and making your own life decisions for the first time - ideally 19-22ish), so deficiencies and excesses often look somewhat immature.
Physically, the third eye chakra governs the pituitary gland, some aspects of our ears, our eyes and visual systems, some aspects of our olfactory systems, how we store our memories in the physical brain, and certain aspects of the left eye specifically!
Our third eye governs many aspects of clairvoyance: psychic sight. Certain forms of clairvoyance can also come through the crown chakra, so one may still receive impressions if their third eye chakra is blocked, but many forms of clairvoyance happen exclusively in the third eye chakra, and one will not be able to have their best expressions with this closed.
7) The Seventh or Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The crown chakra is our personal connection to the Divine! Only once we have really worked through the physical, emotional, and relational aspects of life are we ready to delve into the spiritual. This is the realm of our crown chakra.
Following our example: We are safe, creative, confident, loving, expressive, and we can easily look forward and see how to use all these things to create a good life with a healthy self-image. Our crown chakra is now ready to show us the meaning of all of it: it’s going to introduce us to the Divinity in ourselves and in Spirit.
Only now are we ready to really get into the mysteries. This is when we begin receiving intuitive insights about the mysteries of the universe which are relevant to us and our interests.
And that is something really important - people come to me for mentorship wanting to work in the mysteries: unleash their psychic abilities and talk to their spirit guides about the Universe and its underworkings. I love this and I love teaching people how to use their gifts! This is my literal dream job because I love connecting people to the Divine and teaching them how much power and intuition they really have! I’ve been so blessed to rebuild my entire life based on my connection to Spirit, and I absolutely love that a big part of my job is helping others do the same. But in every case, mentorship starts with weeding out aspects of daily life which are destroying the student’s ability to connect to their gifts, higher self, and spirit guides. Spirit will not have anything to say about the universe until one has worked through day-to-day life. This is because one does not have resources to work on universal mysteries if they are focused on regular life. People get really upset when I say this, and my intention isn’t to hurt! I want as many intuitives on this planet as possible; I want us all talking to Divinity and living well because that’s what could make the global paradigm pleasant. I want to read the book you write once you’ve connected to the mysteries in a way only you could. I am not telling you not to work in the mysteries. I am saying one cannot work on the mystic if they are focused on the mystery of why their former partner hurt their feelings. Or why their parents behave the way they did or do. Or why they don’t have the right friends, why they don’t have the right job, etc. When our mind is muddled with these aspects of day-to-day reality, we can’t focus on anything meaningful or add our own research to the intuitive world.
We can really tell where we’re at by what kind of questions we want to ask our guides! This is not, in any regard, meant to shame you, but to inform, so be honest. If you could ask your spirit guides anything right now, what would it be? For most, the answer is probably not about the mysteries of the Universe. If the answer has to do with another person, and especially if the answer has to do with why another person behaves or behaved a certain way: you’re not ready for the mysteries. You don’t have the emotional and mental resources for them yet! Getting where you want will come from work on chakras 1-6, and then reinvigorating 7.
I have been incredibly blessed to have worked with many working intuitives, healers, and readers from many cultures and countries, and one thing is fairly universal: the good ones are living mostly healthy, fulfilled lives which they created on purpose. Their lives aren’t perfect and they wouldn’t want them to be, but they’re living in energetic comfort which is definable. They are not in terrible positions with their partners, they are not in financial ruin, they are not constantly losing homes or resources, they are not negligent or abusive parents, friends, or coworkers. Not because they were blessed, not because they were born into privilege or with more psychic ability necessarily, but because they worked very hard on chakras one through six, they worked hard to make physical life comfortable, and now they have mental and emotional room to work with the Divine on the mysteries. I was not able to channel any of my original research until I worked through chakras 1-6, and mine sure needed a lot of love. I wouldn’t have been able to understand the information I received if I was still asking my guides about my exes or parents or childhood trauma - we simply have to work through that first to understand the beauty underneath the relationship with the Divine or the very language in which they speak.
I find two regular problems in the crown chakra, and they’re almost opposites. Deficiencies in the crown chakra typically show up as people who are incredibly fearful or hateful of religion. When one has grown up in oppressive religious environments, whether perceived or actual, their crown chakra will regularly be blocked due to thinking of the Divine or God or Spirit as one thing specifically, and usually something bad, mean, or angry. Fear of God instead of love of God really opens to a block in the crown chakra. A lot of societal concerns are also contributing to this - I’m finding more societal problems with crown chakras in general because of huge global fights about religion. I’m not going to go there, you get it.
The other problem is one about which people regularly get upset, but this is just the truth so I’m sorry! People who find themselves on the witchier or more occult side of spirituality regularly have excesses in the crown chakra, and this is because they are sometimes disrespectful of the Divine and look at God as a tool humans can use or control. I don’t say this about everyone! I work as a mentor for some who are on the more witchy side and as long as they’re respectful of the Divine and trying to work with the universe rather than make demands of it, all is well! But some of those who practice witchcraft as their form of spirituality aren’t recognizing the Divine in themselves, the Divine in others, or the Divine in the Divine, but regularly instead make demands of the universe based on what they see as a way to gain personal power. This creates huge excesses in the crown chakra, and honestly blocks one off to almost all intuitive gifts. Anyone preaching about their personal power has a ruined crown chakra, and thus has no power to their name. To inspire people, we don’t show them our personal power - we show them theirs.
Spirit works with us through the crown chakra, encouraging us to be safe, creative, confident, loving, expressive, and intuitive, because that is what will move us through this world and toward our purpose. Meeting our purpose really often comes from being energetically healthy enough to not get caught up in the more difficult or murky parts of life run by the lower chakras. Our inner voice is always guiding us toward our purpose by feeding us feelings and thoughts which could help move us forward and toward this oneness with our higher self as a state of being.
Physically, the seventh chakra governs our skull, cognitive abilities, parts of our brain and pineal gland, as well as the right eye specifically!
The crown chakra has a heavy hand in some aspects of clairvoyance, and really has a hand in all gifts, because gifts are given from the Divine. Something interesting to note: Gifts are given by the Divine, but not taken away. A person generally has to work hard to build their gifts, and be energetically healthy enough to work with the Divine as they do. When one who has significant gifts gets lost in their ego and begins to use those gifts for harm, Spirit won’t take their gifts - it’s up to that poor soul to live out the consequences of whatever karma they accrue now in later lifetimes.
The Five Personal Out-of-Body Chakras
Because these are inherently spiritual chakras, many of us never get to the place where we would be able to use them because we are too concerned with difficulty managing the physical. When we work our way up to these chakras, myriad gifts of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual are available! I am so unbelievably grateful to have been given the chance to work with many to open these chakras.
8) The Eighth Chakra
The eighth chakra is an energy field a few inches above the head which stores our personal connection to the soul records, such as the Akashic records. This means a reader with a closed eighth chakra has no business trying to get into your Akashic Record, and it means if your eighth chakra is closed, you have no business trying to read the Akashic Record for anybody else. Now, this hurts people‘s feelings, but it’s really important! A lot of bad readers and a lot of bad advice are pushing the spiritual narrative for the entire global paradigm, because a lot of the intuitive paradigm is currently pushed by people who do not have intuitive gifts.
(I could go on a rant here which would be painful for both of us so I won’t, but it’s important to know when spiritualists can’t really push the narrative forward, because if they don’t have usable gifts, they can’t channel anything new, and can only spread what has been told to them. I’ve seen so much misinformation on so many topics, it’s really why I’m doing this series. It’s important to know when we are not an expert and when we should not be teaching a subject, and a lot of online spiritualists who talk about starseeds and the Akashic Records especially are harming the conversation more than helping, I’m so sorry to say! I think a lot of this is unintentional, but bad information and ego are pushing the narrative more than a genuine interest in seeing the global culture make progress, which is Spirit’s only concern.)
It is very, very important for readers and healers to know what we are and are not capable of, and which readings we should and should not be doing. (I don’t say this to be cruel - I want as many readers and healers on the planet as possible. I want us all using our gifts. My readings and sessions have changed and do change significantly over time as my understanding of something has deepened and grown, and I do readings now I had no business doing three or four or five years ago. I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am now if I’d decided at any point that I already knew everything there was to know and could do any reading. I wait until my knowledge of something is good enough that the person I give it to won’t go make a mess with my bad information. I can’t wait to see what I’ll be doing in a few years which I wouldn’t understand now!)
The eighth chakra also holds our personal karma as well as any past-life trauma held by the soul. Once again, this means you want to go to a reader you trust to have their eighth chakra open to be able to talk to you about your past lives or soul trauma.
The eighth chakra also holds past-life intuitive abilities, especially for those who are shamans (one who can travel between worlds - this is not a universal or common gift - however, once you’re a shaman in any lifetime, you are forever and just have to turn the gift back on), and many gifts will come pouring out as the chakra has turned on!
9) The Ninth Chakra
The ninth chakra is an energy field a few feet above the head, and is one of my favorites because it is so completely unique! The ninth chakra is essentially a space for belief systems from all lives lived. It holds information completely unique to each soul! A soul who has been an Incan shaman, an Avalon priestess, a banker, and a shark is going to have very different information stored here than a soul who has been an African medicine man, a donkey, an Aztec priest, and a Viking. Think about that, because it’s vital! This is why no two souls can do the same thing - no two souls have been through identical experiences; the options vary so wildly as to be completely indescribable. We are each a combination of thousands of years and unique experiences, which no other soul could live out in exactly the same way!
The ninth chakra holds beliefs unique to the soul. As well as unique and positive soul intentions from past lives. One who has this chakra open finds themselves in excellent alignment with their higher self and soul goals - they can make plans for this lifetime which no one else can because they understand what to bring forward from past lives!
10) The Tenth Chakra
The tenth chakra holds information personal to our ancestry from this lifetime and lifetimes before it, and it also connects us to the natural world! I love the tenth chakra because it reminds me of the Axis Mundi: a place where the heavens meet the Earth and the underworld. The tenth chakra is a few feet below our feet, beneath the ground, and it connects us to natural and earthly beings and elemental beings, and can also connect us to our ancestors and higher beings!
One who has this open has access to different forms of mediumship as well as elemental and animal communication. This is one I see most often open in people who have had highly spiritual past lives, even if they didn’t open it intentionally this lifetime.
11) The Eleventh Chakra
The eleventh chakra is a field around the whole body with more concentration around the hands and feet (this has a lot to do with why many who work on other people with their hands absorb others’ energies - physical therapists, doctors, etc., absorb illness through the eleventh chakra without proper energetic boundaries). It manages our connections, but really our spiritual beliefs about connections, and how we go about using them. To reach eleventh chakra level connection, one has to have already worked through difficulties in day-to-day life, such as lying to or cheating on partners, putting personal needs above family needs, neglecting or harming children, etc. Before we are ready to deal with connection on this level, we need to make sure the connections we have in day-to-day life are sacred to us and are something we treat well.
There are certain personal psychic gifts which every soul has, but which we cannot use unless this chakra is open and activated. But we can’t activate this unless we inherently understand that we are one of billions of life forces on this planet, and that each one matters. We cannot use these gifts unless we would use them well. The eleventh chakra is so important, it is the least likely for Spirit to be willing to open for us, because we can do so much damage with it if we use it poorly.
12) The Twelfth Chakra
The twelfth chakra is all around the body and connects to the body in over thirty places! It holds personal intuitive gifts and knowledge unique to the individual. Exactly like said before, because each of us is such a unique blend of lifetime’s lived, no one else can do exactly what we can do, and in this case it’s specifically psychically/intuitively. I work as an intuitive mentor, helping a lot of people work to turn on, turn off, and control their gifts, depending on what is most appropriate for their lifestyle and what they want to achieve. I continue to work with people on a constant basis who do things no one else can do, and this is because our psychic gifts are personal. The reason so much advice rings untrue and doesn’t work is because we really can’t follow someone else’s exact plan and get to the same place they did. We have to listen to our inner voice and our higher self to be able to build our intuitive gifts past a certain point. A guide is helpful to get us started and to put our gifts in our own hands, and then let us run free because each of us can do things no one else can do, and not any one of us is a gatekeeper to Spirit.
In my shop, I offer a full chakra balancing and alignment, as well as Chakra Therapy, a process I created to heal and enliven one chakra or several chakras to achieve a desired result.
Through my Etsy store, I offer an in-depth video Chakra and Auric Field Assessment, looking through the chakras and auric layers for un-awakened intuitive gifts, deficiencies or excesses, subtle bonds, energy sitting, etc.
I also offer this as a PDF reading, for those who prefer that.
Thanks so much for reading! I’d love to hear about your experiences with chakras!