Enlightened Vocals - Guided Channeling for Divine Singing - One Video Session


This is one, two-hour video session in which I will guide you through what I call Enlightened Vocals: guided channeling for Divine singing. This is a very specific process which isn't appropriate or helpful for everyone, but which is great especially for those who use sound in their healing or intuitive practice!

This is most ideal and appropriate for: sound healers who need a boost, those who are clairaudient but need a boost to their throat chakra to get the most out of their abilities, those who want to build their confidence through inner wisdom, those who are determined to be better at communicating without sound, those who need immense healing in their throat chakra and want to allow their clearest and purest voice, those who want to create new energetic boundaries through sound healing, & those who would like to create more abundance and fulfillment through better use of their throat chakra and voice.

If you'd like to connect to Spirit and know innately that vocals and sound are the way, this is for you!

You will need to be able to match pitch for this healing experience! We will be putting you into a meditative state by toning the seed syllables (sounds for each of your chakras) and singing or humming specific notes. I will guide you through this, but you have to be able to match the sound before we channel. Once we channel, the angels will take over and make the noises for you.)

Over the years I've noticed that problems with the throat chakra cause more everyday, human issues than possibly any other. Our throat chakra governs how we express ourselves and how we understand the communication from those around us. When it's blocked or being used improperly, we can't help but manifest more things by which to be confused and more problems with how we express ourselves. I don't know that I've seen anything yet in energy healing which compares to the immense reactions which people have to their throat chakra being cleared and put on its best vibrations.

Sound healing is a large part of my practice, and for a long time I wanted to come up with a way to work specifically with the throat chakra and sound healing. While I do a lot of chakra therapy, I have been working with Spirit to create a channeling experience which allows for the sounds of the Divine to come through human mouths (without tongue speaking). This practice is what my guides and I came up with! I have loved using this practice in my energy healing. Sound is vibration, so of course it can help your overall vibrations. It is fundamental to healing one's subtle energy, and I am so grateful to guide people through creating the sounds they need to heal. The purpose of this guided channeling is to allow angels in to sing the songs of the Divine through your mouth, healing your throat chakra and creating new energetic boundaries which allow for your clearest understanding and expression moving forward.

After your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to my online calendar so you can make your appointment for our session. My appointments for video sessions are usually 1-4 weeks out. (If you'd like to email to ask how far out my appointments currently are before deciding to purchase, I'm happy to share that with you!)

This will be a partial channeling experience, which means your higher self and awareness will remain in your body, and you share your body with the incoming angels. You will remain aware and present enough the entire time to take control back if you feel it necessary.

*If our session does not result in your partial channeling, I will refund your purchase. This does NOT happen with any regularity whatsoever, I have only had two people unable to fully or partially channel under my guidance. When one cannot channel beings into their body, occasionally it is a physical health issue (for instance, someone with a weak physical heart should not attempt full or partial channeling); occasionally it is an issue with the chakras or very deeply-held, limiting belief systems. We work to address these in the first session, that's why we do the first session as a receptive channeling experience; to address anything underlying which should stop you from achieving the wholeness which comes from fully or partially channeling.

Because this is so important, on days when I have energy sessions, I do not do any readings or more than one session per day, so I can ensure I’m on my best vibration to help you.

*I begin all sessions by cleansing my space and my subtle energy systems (before we're on the call), and meditating on your energy as I connect to your spirit guides. My number one goal is bringing people closer to the Divine, to their own gifts, and to the contentedness and peace which comes from this. I am committed to never seeing any person as a source of income, and would rather help one learn to talk to the Divine than have clients be dependent on someone else for that connection. I preach that we all ascend or none of us do, and this is what I practice every day. My prices are determined by my spirit guides, per the number of hours in a session, how much energy it requires of me, and whether it was developed by me and my spirit guides and thus is only available through me, or is a service you could also get elsewhere. I will never judge you based on anything which comes up in a session - I am only here to relay messages and healing and try to offer support. This is not just how I make my living, it defines my life.

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This is one, two-hour video session in which I will guide you through what I call Enlightened Vocals: guided channeling for Divine singing. This is a very specific process which isn't appropriate or helpful for everyone, but which is great especially for those who use sound in their healing or intuitive practice!

This is most ideal and appropriate for: sound healers who need a boost, those who are clairaudient but need a boost to their throat chakra to get the most out of their abilities, those who want to build their confidence through inner wisdom, those who are determined to be better at communicating without sound, those who need immense healing in their throat chakra and want to allow their clearest and purest voice, those who want to create new energetic boundaries through sound healing, & those who would like to create more abundance and fulfillment through better use of their throat chakra and voice.

If you'd like to connect to Spirit and know innately that vocals and sound are the way, this is for you!

You will need to be able to match pitch for this healing experience! We will be putting you into a meditative state by toning the seed syllables (sounds for each of your chakras) and singing or humming specific notes. I will guide you through this, but you have to be able to match the sound before we channel. Once we channel, the angels will take over and make the noises for you.)

Over the years I've noticed that problems with the throat chakra cause more everyday, human issues than possibly any other. Our throat chakra governs how we express ourselves and how we understand the communication from those around us. When it's blocked or being used improperly, we can't help but manifest more things by which to be confused and more problems with how we express ourselves. I don't know that I've seen anything yet in energy healing which compares to the immense reactions which people have to their throat chakra being cleared and put on its best vibrations.

Sound healing is a large part of my practice, and for a long time I wanted to come up with a way to work specifically with the throat chakra and sound healing. While I do a lot of chakra therapy, I have been working with Spirit to create a channeling experience which allows for the sounds of the Divine to come through human mouths (without tongue speaking). This practice is what my guides and I came up with! I have loved using this practice in my energy healing. Sound is vibration, so of course it can help your overall vibrations. It is fundamental to healing one's subtle energy, and I am so grateful to guide people through creating the sounds they need to heal. The purpose of this guided channeling is to allow angels in to sing the songs of the Divine through your mouth, healing your throat chakra and creating new energetic boundaries which allow for your clearest understanding and expression moving forward.

After your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to my online calendar so you can make your appointment for our session. My appointments for video sessions are usually 1-4 weeks out. (If you'd like to email to ask how far out my appointments currently are before deciding to purchase, I'm happy to share that with you!)

This will be a partial channeling experience, which means your higher self and awareness will remain in your body, and you share your body with the incoming angels. You will remain aware and present enough the entire time to take control back if you feel it necessary.

*If our session does not result in your partial channeling, I will refund your purchase. This does NOT happen with any regularity whatsoever, I have only had two people unable to fully or partially channel under my guidance. When one cannot channel beings into their body, occasionally it is a physical health issue (for instance, someone with a weak physical heart should not attempt full or partial channeling); occasionally it is an issue with the chakras or very deeply-held, limiting belief systems. We work to address these in the first session, that's why we do the first session as a receptive channeling experience; to address anything underlying which should stop you from achieving the wholeness which comes from fully or partially channeling.

Because this is so important, on days when I have energy sessions, I do not do any readings or more than one session per day, so I can ensure I’m on my best vibration to help you.

*I begin all sessions by cleansing my space and my subtle energy systems (before we're on the call), and meditating on your energy as I connect to your spirit guides. My number one goal is bringing people closer to the Divine, to their own gifts, and to the contentedness and peace which comes from this. I am committed to never seeing any person as a source of income, and would rather help one learn to talk to the Divine than have clients be dependent on someone else for that connection. I preach that we all ascend or none of us do, and this is what I practice every day. My prices are determined by my spirit guides, per the number of hours in a session, how much energy it requires of me, and whether it was developed by me and my spirit guides and thus is only available through me, or is a service you could also get elsewhere. I will never judge you based on anything which comes up in a session - I am only here to relay messages and healing and try to offer support. This is not just how I make my living, it defines my life.

This is one, two-hour video session in which I will guide you through what I call Enlightened Vocals: guided channeling for Divine singing. This is a very specific process which isn't appropriate or helpful for everyone, but which is great especially for those who use sound in their healing or intuitive practice!

This is most ideal and appropriate for: sound healers who need a boost, those who are clairaudient but need a boost to their throat chakra to get the most out of their abilities, those who want to build their confidence through inner wisdom, those who are determined to be better at communicating without sound, those who need immense healing in their throat chakra and want to allow their clearest and purest voice, those who want to create new energetic boundaries through sound healing, & those who would like to create more abundance and fulfillment through better use of their throat chakra and voice.

If you'd like to connect to Spirit and know innately that vocals and sound are the way, this is for you!

You will need to be able to match pitch for this healing experience! We will be putting you into a meditative state by toning the seed syllables (sounds for each of your chakras) and singing or humming specific notes. I will guide you through this, but you have to be able to match the sound before we channel. Once we channel, the angels will take over and make the noises for you.)

Over the years I've noticed that problems with the throat chakra cause more everyday, human issues than possibly any other. Our throat chakra governs how we express ourselves and how we understand the communication from those around us. When it's blocked or being used improperly, we can't help but manifest more things by which to be confused and more problems with how we express ourselves. I don't know that I've seen anything yet in energy healing which compares to the immense reactions which people have to their throat chakra being cleared and put on its best vibrations.

Sound healing is a large part of my practice, and for a long time I wanted to come up with a way to work specifically with the throat chakra and sound healing. While I do a lot of chakra therapy, I have been working with Spirit to create a channeling experience which allows for the sounds of the Divine to come through human mouths (without tongue speaking). This practice is what my guides and I came up with! I have loved using this practice in my energy healing. Sound is vibration, so of course it can help your overall vibrations. It is fundamental to healing one's subtle energy, and I am so grateful to guide people through creating the sounds they need to heal. The purpose of this guided channeling is to allow angels in to sing the songs of the Divine through your mouth, healing your throat chakra and creating new energetic boundaries which allow for your clearest understanding and expression moving forward.

After your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to my online calendar so you can make your appointment for our session. My appointments for video sessions are usually 1-4 weeks out. (If you'd like to email to ask how far out my appointments currently are before deciding to purchase, I'm happy to share that with you!)

This will be a partial channeling experience, which means your higher self and awareness will remain in your body, and you share your body with the incoming angels. You will remain aware and present enough the entire time to take control back if you feel it necessary.

*If our session does not result in your partial channeling, I will refund your purchase. This does NOT happen with any regularity whatsoever, I have only had two people unable to fully or partially channel under my guidance. When one cannot channel beings into their body, occasionally it is a physical health issue (for instance, someone with a weak physical heart should not attempt full or partial channeling); occasionally it is an issue with the chakras or very deeply-held, limiting belief systems. We work to address these in the first session, that's why we do the first session as a receptive channeling experience; to address anything underlying which should stop you from achieving the wholeness which comes from fully or partially channeling.

Because this is so important, on days when I have energy sessions, I do not do any readings or more than one session per day, so I can ensure I’m on my best vibration to help you.

*I begin all sessions by cleansing my space and my subtle energy systems (before we're on the call), and meditating on your energy as I connect to your spirit guides. My number one goal is bringing people closer to the Divine, to their own gifts, and to the contentedness and peace which comes from this. I am committed to never seeing any person as a source of income, and would rather help one learn to talk to the Divine than have clients be dependent on someone else for that connection. I preach that we all ascend or none of us do, and this is what I practice every day. My prices are determined by my spirit guides, per the number of hours in a session, how much energy it requires of me, and whether it was developed by me and my spirit guides and thus is only available through me, or is a service you could also get elsewhere. I will never judge you based on anything which comes up in a session - I am only here to relay messages and healing and try to offer support. This is not just how I make my living, it defines my life.

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