Kundalini Transmission - 3 Video Sessions


This is three, two-hour energy work sessions in which we will channel your spirit guides for Kundalini transmission: either beginning or moving your Kundalini awakening along.

While many confuse our Kundalini awakening with our spiritual awakening, the two are very different and each very specific! Many who have completed their spiritual awakening have not begun and will not begin their Kundalini awakening. Our Kundalini is a personal, in-body subtle energy which activates, clears, and heals all in-body chakras as it enables our spiritual and emotional maturity.

This is most appropriate for: those familiar with their personal Kundalini awakening and know their Kundalini to be stuck at one of the three granthis or knots, & those who are familiar with a Kundalini awakening but believe their Kundalini to be dormant and would like to begin their Kundalini awakening with a guiding professional

Kundalini transmission is one of the great joys of my career! While a Kundalini advancing through the chakras often comes with turmoil and some amount of upheaval, all pain is worth it as we are completely re-programmed and made new by the experience. As our Kundalini energy makes its climb, it forces us to address unhealed issues lying within each chakra, especially the first, fourth, and sixth chakras, respectively, which hold the three knots our Kundalini must unravel to reach the seventh chakra.

Kundalini energy rises and forces us to see ourselves and others clearly, replacing our old issues and programming with new information that reflects our higher self and sense of purpose. A Kundalini awakening may be quick and relatively symptomless. Sometimes, we find that we break easily through the difficulties in one chakra, only for our Kundalini to get stuck in one of the higher chakras. The process is unique for everyone, and these sessions are meant to help it along.

When our Kundalini energy has joined our seventh chakra and we have completed the journey, we find true emotional and spiritual wellness. Insight into our own mind which is clear, allowing our emotions to arise and us to respond to them quickly and react with our best selves in mind. One who has finished their Kundalini awakening has an excellent connection to the Divine and feels oneness with all, while knowing how to set and uphold boundaries. The link to the Divine which is created can ultimately uplift and empower everything in our lives. One may experience new or enlivened psychic or intuitive gifts, may feel a call to service of themselves or others, may seek out new partners or friends or a new career, may become a guru or guide who can help others through their spiritual and Kundalini awakenings - each of us is unique and so is our journey.

My appointments for video sessions are usually 1-4 weeks out. After your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to my online calendar so you can select your dates for our sessions, and I will send:
-A document explaining what to expect during each session, as well as in between sessions
-A vibrational self-assessment in which you can rate your current vibrations and emotions to really home in on which vibrations are serving you and which are not, as well as information about why this is so important
-A document encouraging you to think about what you would like to achieve and your desired outcome from this, with questions and examples
-A document explaining my commitments and promises to you as the practitioner

*If our first session does not result in your full or partial channeling of your spirit guides for Kundalini transmission, I will refund your purchase and we will cease trying. This does NOT happen with any regularity whatsoever, I have only had two people unable to fully or partially channel under my guidance, and none who have not been able to receptively channel. When one cannot channel their spirit guides into their body, occasionally it is a physical health issue (for instance, someone with a weak physical heart should not attempt full or partial channeling); occasionally it is an issue with the chakras or very deeply-held, limiting belief systems.

For much more detail on all this, if you would like to email me, I will happily send you the What to Expect sheet which I send to all clients! I would much rather someone go into this with knowledge, and not purchase until they're sure this is what they want to do. Don't hesitate to reach out and I will happily talk you through any of this, and gladly send you the info about what to expect from these sessions, as well as the time in between and after.

Because this is so important, on days when I have energy sessions, I do not do any readings or more than one session per day, so I can ensure I’m on my best vibration to help you.

*I begin all sessions by cleansing my space and my subtle energy systems (before we're on the call), and meditating on your energy as I connect to your spirit guides. My number one goal is bringing people closer to the Divine, to their own gifts, and to the contentedness and peace which comes from this. I am committed to never seeing any person as a source of income, and would rather help one learn to talk to the Divine than have clients be dependent on someone else for that connection. I preach that we all ascend or none of us do, and this is what I practice. My prices are determined by my spirit guides, per the number of hours in a session, how much energy it takes, and whether it was developed by me and my spirit guides and thus is only available through me, or is a service you could also get elsewhere. I will never judge you based on anything which comes up in a session - I am only here to relay messages and healing and try to offer support. This is not just how I make my living, it defines my life.

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This is three, two-hour energy work sessions in which we will channel your spirit guides for Kundalini transmission: either beginning or moving your Kundalini awakening along.

While many confuse our Kundalini awakening with our spiritual awakening, the two are very different and each very specific! Many who have completed their spiritual awakening have not begun and will not begin their Kundalini awakening. Our Kundalini is a personal, in-body subtle energy which activates, clears, and heals all in-body chakras as it enables our spiritual and emotional maturity.

This is most appropriate for: those familiar with their personal Kundalini awakening and know their Kundalini to be stuck at one of the three granthis or knots, & those who are familiar with a Kundalini awakening but believe their Kundalini to be dormant and would like to begin their Kundalini awakening with a guiding professional

Kundalini transmission is one of the great joys of my career! While a Kundalini advancing through the chakras often comes with turmoil and some amount of upheaval, all pain is worth it as we are completely re-programmed and made new by the experience. As our Kundalini energy makes its climb, it forces us to address unhealed issues lying within each chakra, especially the first, fourth, and sixth chakras, respectively, which hold the three knots our Kundalini must unravel to reach the seventh chakra.

Kundalini energy rises and forces us to see ourselves and others clearly, replacing our old issues and programming with new information that reflects our higher self and sense of purpose. A Kundalini awakening may be quick and relatively symptomless. Sometimes, we find that we break easily through the difficulties in one chakra, only for our Kundalini to get stuck in one of the higher chakras. The process is unique for everyone, and these sessions are meant to help it along.

When our Kundalini energy has joined our seventh chakra and we have completed the journey, we find true emotional and spiritual wellness. Insight into our own mind which is clear, allowing our emotions to arise and us to respond to them quickly and react with our best selves in mind. One who has finished their Kundalini awakening has an excellent connection to the Divine and feels oneness with all, while knowing how to set and uphold boundaries. The link to the Divine which is created can ultimately uplift and empower everything in our lives. One may experience new or enlivened psychic or intuitive gifts, may feel a call to service of themselves or others, may seek out new partners or friends or a new career, may become a guru or guide who can help others through their spiritual and Kundalini awakenings - each of us is unique and so is our journey.

My appointments for video sessions are usually 1-4 weeks out. After your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to my online calendar so you can select your dates for our sessions, and I will send:
-A document explaining what to expect during each session, as well as in between sessions
-A vibrational self-assessment in which you can rate your current vibrations and emotions to really home in on which vibrations are serving you and which are not, as well as information about why this is so important
-A document encouraging you to think about what you would like to achieve and your desired outcome from this, with questions and examples
-A document explaining my commitments and promises to you as the practitioner

*If our first session does not result in your full or partial channeling of your spirit guides for Kundalini transmission, I will refund your purchase and we will cease trying. This does NOT happen with any regularity whatsoever, I have only had two people unable to fully or partially channel under my guidance, and none who have not been able to receptively channel. When one cannot channel their spirit guides into their body, occasionally it is a physical health issue (for instance, someone with a weak physical heart should not attempt full or partial channeling); occasionally it is an issue with the chakras or very deeply-held, limiting belief systems.

For much more detail on all this, if you would like to email me, I will happily send you the What to Expect sheet which I send to all clients! I would much rather someone go into this with knowledge, and not purchase until they're sure this is what they want to do. Don't hesitate to reach out and I will happily talk you through any of this, and gladly send you the info about what to expect from these sessions, as well as the time in between and after.

Because this is so important, on days when I have energy sessions, I do not do any readings or more than one session per day, so I can ensure I’m on my best vibration to help you.

*I begin all sessions by cleansing my space and my subtle energy systems (before we're on the call), and meditating on your energy as I connect to your spirit guides. My number one goal is bringing people closer to the Divine, to their own gifts, and to the contentedness and peace which comes from this. I am committed to never seeing any person as a source of income, and would rather help one learn to talk to the Divine than have clients be dependent on someone else for that connection. I preach that we all ascend or none of us do, and this is what I practice. My prices are determined by my spirit guides, per the number of hours in a session, how much energy it takes, and whether it was developed by me and my spirit guides and thus is only available through me, or is a service you could also get elsewhere. I will never judge you based on anything which comes up in a session - I am only here to relay messages and healing and try to offer support. This is not just how I make my living, it defines my life.

This is three, two-hour energy work sessions in which we will channel your spirit guides for Kundalini transmission: either beginning or moving your Kundalini awakening along.

While many confuse our Kundalini awakening with our spiritual awakening, the two are very different and each very specific! Many who have completed their spiritual awakening have not begun and will not begin their Kundalini awakening. Our Kundalini is a personal, in-body subtle energy which activates, clears, and heals all in-body chakras as it enables our spiritual and emotional maturity.

This is most appropriate for: those familiar with their personal Kundalini awakening and know their Kundalini to be stuck at one of the three granthis or knots, & those who are familiar with a Kundalini awakening but believe their Kundalini to be dormant and would like to begin their Kundalini awakening with a guiding professional

Kundalini transmission is one of the great joys of my career! While a Kundalini advancing through the chakras often comes with turmoil and some amount of upheaval, all pain is worth it as we are completely re-programmed and made new by the experience. As our Kundalini energy makes its climb, it forces us to address unhealed issues lying within each chakra, especially the first, fourth, and sixth chakras, respectively, which hold the three knots our Kundalini must unravel to reach the seventh chakra.

Kundalini energy rises and forces us to see ourselves and others clearly, replacing our old issues and programming with new information that reflects our higher self and sense of purpose. A Kundalini awakening may be quick and relatively symptomless. Sometimes, we find that we break easily through the difficulties in one chakra, only for our Kundalini to get stuck in one of the higher chakras. The process is unique for everyone, and these sessions are meant to help it along.

When our Kundalini energy has joined our seventh chakra and we have completed the journey, we find true emotional and spiritual wellness. Insight into our own mind which is clear, allowing our emotions to arise and us to respond to them quickly and react with our best selves in mind. One who has finished their Kundalini awakening has an excellent connection to the Divine and feels oneness with all, while knowing how to set and uphold boundaries. The link to the Divine which is created can ultimately uplift and empower everything in our lives. One may experience new or enlivened psychic or intuitive gifts, may feel a call to service of themselves or others, may seek out new partners or friends or a new career, may become a guru or guide who can help others through their spiritual and Kundalini awakenings - each of us is unique and so is our journey.

My appointments for video sessions are usually 1-4 weeks out. After your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to my online calendar so you can select your dates for our sessions, and I will send:
-A document explaining what to expect during each session, as well as in between sessions
-A vibrational self-assessment in which you can rate your current vibrations and emotions to really home in on which vibrations are serving you and which are not, as well as information about why this is so important
-A document encouraging you to think about what you would like to achieve and your desired outcome from this, with questions and examples
-A document explaining my commitments and promises to you as the practitioner

*If our first session does not result in your full or partial channeling of your spirit guides for Kundalini transmission, I will refund your purchase and we will cease trying. This does NOT happen with any regularity whatsoever, I have only had two people unable to fully or partially channel under my guidance, and none who have not been able to receptively channel. When one cannot channel their spirit guides into their body, occasionally it is a physical health issue (for instance, someone with a weak physical heart should not attempt full or partial channeling); occasionally it is an issue with the chakras or very deeply-held, limiting belief systems.

For much more detail on all this, if you would like to email me, I will happily send you the What to Expect sheet which I send to all clients! I would much rather someone go into this with knowledge, and not purchase until they're sure this is what they want to do. Don't hesitate to reach out and I will happily talk you through any of this, and gladly send you the info about what to expect from these sessions, as well as the time in between and after.

Because this is so important, on days when I have energy sessions, I do not do any readings or more than one session per day, so I can ensure I’m on my best vibration to help you.

*I begin all sessions by cleansing my space and my subtle energy systems (before we're on the call), and meditating on your energy as I connect to your spirit guides. My number one goal is bringing people closer to the Divine, to their own gifts, and to the contentedness and peace which comes from this. I am committed to never seeing any person as a source of income, and would rather help one learn to talk to the Divine than have clients be dependent on someone else for that connection. I preach that we all ascend or none of us do, and this is what I practice. My prices are determined by my spirit guides, per the number of hours in a session, how much energy it takes, and whether it was developed by me and my spirit guides and thus is only available through me, or is a service you could also get elsewhere. I will never judge you based on anything which comes up in a session - I am only here to relay messages and healing and try to offer support. This is not just how I make my living, it defines my life.

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