F is for: Frequency & Vibration

This post is part of a series I’m so excited about: “The ABC’s of What I’ve Learned as a Medium and Intuitive Healer.” This is my full-time career, and I am thrilled for the opportunity to share what I’ve learned!

Frequency & Vibration

Many words in many areas and many contexts are used so regularly that the meaning behind them becomes lost. I would say this probably happens nowhere in the spiritual community more than with the words frequency and vibration! These aren’t just woowoo words to describe the feelings we get from somebody (“good vibes only”) - they are very physical and have very literal meanings.

We each have a baseline frequency: the rate at which we are personally physically vibrating. Our baseline frequency is made up of thousands of individual vibrations! If we raise one, we often raise several or many more at the same time, as many are interconnected. If we lower one, same thing.

Each of our emotions is a vibration, each of our thoughts is a vibration, and each of our actions is a vibration. We can generally break all vibrations down into physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual. We can break our chakras down this way, our auric layers, areas of life - I really break many things down into these four categories! 


We have one overall work vibration, but we also have related vibrations for: specific coworkers and coworkers as a group, for our boss, for how our job makes us feel, whether we’re worried about the future, whether we feel seen and respected - we usually have around 50 vibrations going just for work, most of which would be physical and emotional vibrations, along with a few relational. This is why we may love the money we make at work (good physical vibration) but hate our coworkers (poor relational vibrations). We’re balancing many beliefs at the same time, and our vibrations match our beliefs.

We are likely to have a little over 1000 physical vibrations going at any time. We are likely to have close to 1000 emotional vibrations, but only around 100 relational, and the spiritual really run the gamut, depending on the person and how relevant spirituality is to their day-to-day lifestyle. Some have thousands, some have none.

Emotions As Vibrations

I find it especially helps to look at emotions as vibrations in the first place (because they are!). I regularly send my clients a document teaching them to look at their emotions as a scale like this:

  1. Joy/knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Gratitude

  2. Passion

  3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Excitability

  4. Belief and Positive Expectation

  5. Optimism

  6. Hopefulness

  7. Contentment/Passivity/Patience

  8. Boredom

  9. Pessimism

  10. Frustration/Agitation/Impatience

  11. Overwhelm/Torn

  12. Disappointment

  13. Doubt

  14. Worry

  15. Blame

  16. Discouragement

  17. Anger

  18. Vengeful

  19. Hatred/Rage

  20. Jealousy

  21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness/Desperation

  22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

If one of our emotional/relational vibrations regarding coworkers is “rage,” we will continue to manifest coworker situations which make us feel more rage. The situations may differ, the resulting emotion does not. We’re manifesting more reasons to feel the vibration we put out, not necessarily a specific situation! With emotional vibrations, we’re manifesting more of the emotion.

It is not possible to be on a vibration of grief and try to change our vibration to hope or joy. It’s too big of a leap in overall frequency, and the current vibration has been too well-practiced. We must work to see our current vibration, and move intentionally and slowly up the ladder. If we feel grief, we can’t yet reach for hope, but maybe we can reach for rage, and that feels much better! From rage, maybe we can work toward worry. And from there, maybe frustration. Eventually, we will be able to reach for really good feelings, and they’ll actually be sustainable. This takes time and hard work, and it’s absolutely worth doing! The time will pass anyway, and we’ll wish we had raised our frequency any amount.


This really has everything to do with what we are manifesting. We are manifesting specific vibrations. Our chakras hold our beliefs, and our auric layers put out that vibration and pull anything in the area which matches the vibration toward us. (This means we have to accept that things we don’t like are in our lives because of us - we had to be a vibrational match, or we couldn’t have run into them in the first place.) 

As we just went through, most of the vibrations in our lives are physical and emotional, fewer are typically relational and spiritual. We can be on the vibration of damage to our car, being physically clumsy, being very lucky and having things always work out for us - there are too many vibrations for me to be able to list them. Any physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual thing is a vibration, which means everything is a vibration!

Each of our personal vibrations makes up our personal frequency. And again, this word has a physical density to it. Through energy healing, I regularly change someone’s baseline frequency by raising specific vibrations or removing a particularly painful emotion from the body and energetic systems, and I swear one should physically weigh less after the session! Heavy vibrations are not just emotionally heavy - grief, despair, and powerlessness are physically very heavy vibrations to hold onto, and we feel significantly lighter and better when we raise those vibrations.

It’s difficult to change our vibrations or frequency naturally! For one, a lot of manifesting advice tells us to reach for joy or say positive affirmations, even if we feel despair. We’re not manifesting based on words, but based on the vibrations underneath them, so affirmations do very little unless we say them with sincere belief and feeling. It’s difficult to change our vibrations because we are very naturally inclined to go with our comfort zone, and whatever has been well-practiced is usually very comfortable, even if it’s actually not comfortable and feels terrible! We’ve convinced ourselves it’s what’s right because it’s what’s normal, and it really takes changing ourselves to change our vibration on anything, much less our overall frequency.

This is what we do in energy healing! This is why I’m so passionate about what I do. Energy healing is a lot like weight loss surgery rather than diet and exercise. Both work, and both require lifestyle changes with which one intends to keep up, but energy healing is kick-starting a process someone does intend to keep up on. It makes internal changes to energy which would normally take years of changed behavior, thoughts, or feelings, so one can quickly manifest new behavior and life situations.

Through my shop, I offer several different energy healing services, all of which tangibly raise someone’s individual vibrations and overall frequency, either in specific areas or overall ways.

Thank you for reading!


E is for: Entangled Souls