G is for: Guides
This post is part of a series I’m so excited about: “The ABC’s of What I’ve Learned as a Medium and Intuitive Healer.” This is my full-time career, and I am thrilled for the opportunity to share what I’ve learned!
Spirit Guides
Our spirit guides are by far what I am most passionate about, of all aspects of my entire practice and probably life. My spirit guides were really my first link to my awakening, and since then, they have become my best friends, my business partners, my surrogate parents. They’ve also shown me lessons I needed to see as a mother, completely willing to stand in as my energetic children in that way. They have been my mentors and a source of daily guidance, every day since I first spoke to them. I don’t know who I would be today without them, and I can’t imagine anything in life more rewarding than helping other people find the same connection.
When I first started reading for others, spirit guide and mediumship readings were really the only readings I felt comfortable doing. Spirit guides have always come to me naturally; I treat them with respect and reverence and allow them to work through me. Because spirit guide readings are where I started, to date, I have done more of them than any other kind of reading by far, and I work closely with one’s spirit guides in every reading and energy healing experience I’m part of. I would like to use this post especially to talk about what has come through in thousands of spirit guide readings - the beings I encounter and what they want to help us with.
The nine types of permanent spirit guides are: deities and ascended masters, angels, saints, dragons, star beings, elemental beings, fairies, animals, and ancestors.
After the specifics of each group, there will be information on the difference between temporary, intermittent, and permanent spirit guides.
*I will refer a lot to “intuitive nudges:” this is the main way our guides communicate with us. We get a sudden feeling (to clean up a mess we’ve stepped around for months, to take a new class, to say hi to a new person) which often feels like our own idea, but it’s being guided by those who know us well and have more information than we do. These intuitive nudges are, more or less, the main function of our spirit guides.*
Higher-Dimensional Beings
Deities & Ascended Masters
Deities are by far our most invested guides. In every case, our closest guide while we are incarnated is a deity or ascended master. Our closest is the one and only guide who tries to come to us in every single lifetime, regardless of whether their specialties are something we specifically need every time around. Our closest guide shares our soul archetype, understands us very deeply, and had a hand in our soul’s personal creation. This is where we get the idea that people are created in God‘s image: in a way, we are! We are created in their archetypal image, not physical. Our closest deity guide understands us differently, on a soul level, than any other being.
Ascended masters come through in this same category!
New deities are still being created (to lead future cultures, here and on other planets!) but they don’t reincarnate. This means that while each deity is on the same enlightenment path which our souls are, they had or have to hope to reach it through their one, infinite lifetime.
Ascended masters, however, were reincarnating beings like humans who managed to reach enlightenment during a given lifetime! To Spirit, this means they’ve reached deity status. When a human (or angel, fairy, or other reincarnating being) reaches enlightenment, they essentially become a deity - this is what an ascended master is.
Joan of arc, Imhotep, Asklepios, Perseus - these are spirit guides who perform all deity tasks now and function as deities, but who were once human! Energetically speaking, ascended masters come through the exact same way as deities - so for the rest of this section, know when I say “deities” I really mean “deities and ascended masters,” as to Spirit they’re essentially now the same thing.
Deities are most invested in our life purpose, and our making our way toward it. So one typically has fewer deity guides if they are not on their way to their purpose.
Guides of any kind do not like to waste their time - higher-dimensional guides don’t hang out because they like us. They’re trying to help us achieve something specific which our soul said we wanted to do here, and if we don’t take their advice, they stop giving it. This isn’t harsh - we wouldn’t like or expect to waste our time and energy in this way either.
I tend to see someone who is living well, but who is not necessarily making their way to their life purpose yet will have their first 1-2 deity guides with them, and most of the effort from those deities will be pushing that person to try to move toward their life purpose. Someone who is well on their way to living their purpose is more likely to have 3-5. And someone already living their purpose is likely to have more than this, but I really can’t say a specific number, for reasons which will follow.
There are cases where one is meant to meet their purpose later in life, it was always meant to be so, and they may have more guides younger to help them get there. There are also adults of all ages who have no deity guides - these are those who follow no guidance and simply won’t listen. (But for someone to have no permanent guides at all, not even a few ancestors, they have to be living very poorly [violent, dangerous, compulsive lying or lashing out - essentially no care for others]. Spirit tries to help us until we give up on helping ourselves.)
There’s really no standard number of deity guides (or any other kind) an adult needs, we need different guides and different numbers of guides for different reasons. Once one has completed their purpose, their number of deity guides is heavily dependent on what they need them for. First, they’re most invested in getting us to our life purpose, then they help us supplementally from there with ascension paths, intuitive gifts, & more, because once we’ve met our purpose, it’s like everything else we learn in a lifetime is a bonus! Spirit loves those who already did what they came to do and decide to keep learning and growing anyway!
One of the most prevalent ways deity guides help us (before and once we’re living our purpose) is by giving us intuitive nudges which help us with others and the way we communicate and understand each other. So for instance, a therapist is likely to have a higher number of spirit guides than the average person, and especially deities and angels, and this is because a therapist needs to be able to get intuitive nudges about their clients’ emotional and mental needs. A therapist who shares a guide or guides with their client is more likely to receive better intuitive guidance about how to help that client, because the same spirit guide knows each of them both so well.
This is especially true for readers and healers! I cultivate this relationship to the best of my ability. I have always welcomed any Spirit-approved guide who wanted to work with me with love and open arms, because I am a much better reader if I ensure I’m likely to have at least one guide in common with anybody I could read for or work with. Most psychic readings are done by the reader’s spirit guides connecting to the spirit guides of the sitter - this means if we have a shared spirit guide, or better, multiple shared spirit guides with the person for whom we’re reading, we’re cutting out the middleman and we’re going to get a much better reading. When I share more spirit guides with a client than fewer, I definitely feel the connection more strongly.
So this is a connection I especially recommend for those who are working spiritualists - get to know the deities. My deity guides regularly ensure I’ll meet others whom they also guide - you’ll find more clients rolling in if you’re kind to the deities and they want to help your business.
Truly, there is no aspect of life they aren’t concerned with, because they are concerned with our meeting our purpose, so everything in our life holding us opposed to our purpose is their concern! They’re invested in healthy relationships, healthy parenthood where children are able to thrive, and people doing their best for those around them. They often talk about work or finances, marriage or serious relationships, our children - they’re invested in the big things which take our time and energy.
I also love that as someone is starting to accrue more of their deity guides, we can see where their soul really likes to incarnate! Souls aren’t necessarily drawn to the same races, but they do really like certain cultures, religions, regions, etc. better than others, and are more likely to incarnate there regularly. I often see many spirit guides from the same culture in the same person, in which case we can tell that that person has lived prevalently within that culture. (For instance, certain guides I’ll really only see and especially together if someone has had prevalent lifetimes in Ancient Greece, in Africa in Yoruba culture, as an Ancient Incan or pre-Mexican, etc.) Sometimes, I’ll see deities from all over the spectrum of time and culture, and we can tell that soul is less habitual!
Spirit feels it’s important to bring up that fear and hatred are significant problems where people and Gods are concerned. I have had many clients speak about the Gods in ways I would just not - again mostly with hatred. I know this isn’t the client’s fault, but almost always comes from heavy religious trauma.
I work closely with thousands of deities, this is not an exaggeration. I promise you, there isn’t one who hates people or who is trying to fuck with you personally.
There are deities who aren’t interested in humans but they just don’t find us worthy of attention - they’re not hurting us. I say this because of the number of clients who come in with hatred for Jesus, Allah, or Yahweh, certain they’ve done this to earth on purpose - though what has been done with their stories has been done by humans, and it isn’t what they wanted and absolutely isn’t helping their narrative or purpose along either. Imagine, for a moment, the deity Jesus trying to meet a purpose like: “to teach global forgiveness, compassion, and empathy,” and then having people pray to him every day to poison their enemy’s crops, to make their ex impotent, to kill their own mother - these aren’t exaggerations. Jesus is significantly more likely to hear prayer about hurting one’s enemies than about curing the globe of hatred. Jesus is a spirit guide for some, though a rare one (same with Allah), and that’s mostly because *many* use his name to spread more hate and abuse, and are actively deterring him from his purpose. And then, people hate him for what other people have done with his stories - stories which were always meant to help us. Awful! It breaks my heart for the deities.
The stories we have about deities are predicated on human mouths and fingers. We have to count on people to tell the stories properly, and we just haven’t.
Deities are on the same enlightenment path we are, all beings with souls are, and they care first and foremost about us doing what we came here to do. They care about consent, love, healing trauma, and moving forward. In every single case.
I will talk about a few specific deities whom I work with regularly, and these are ones about whom there is often a lot of issue.
Baba Yaga, Hecate, Odin, Freyja, Lilith, Hel, Zeus - this is far from an exhaustive list, but it’s a list of beings whose names are used terribly and frequently. For the notoriety of these beings, each of them is actually an incredibly rare guide. And the reason each of them is an incredibly rare guide for humans is because of the way humans talk about them. It’s honestly almost impossible to know where to start.
(I also want to be super clear that I was guilty of these things and beliefs too, until I could talk to these beings myself! Which is again why I encourage building a true personal relationship to the Divine.)
I will start with Zeus and Odin and our idea of the Ruler/Emperor/Father God in general.
Zeus and Odin are incredibly, and I mean, incredibly rare guides for humanity, and it is because humans used and use their names to do horrible things to other people.
Zeus especially, and I have had plenty of experience personally seeing why. I have had more than one client excuse their human behavior by saying, “Well didn’t Zeus rape animals and stuff?” When a person uses a deity’s mishandled myth to mean they can behave any way now, I’m not really sure what to do with it, or whether the client even means or hears what they’re saying.
When I talk to clients about things like fidelity and honesty, they will bring up Zeus and how he was a rapist and cheater. (So they should be able to be too, I guess…?) I am not kidding, this is a defense people use to me with some regularity: “Zeus had sex with animals and raped everyone, so why are you telling me to care about monogamy?”
First of all, no enlightened being would behave the way we wrote about Zeus. Enlightened beings care about the same things, they have the same chakras, and we all need the same things to be energetically well. This goes for deities just as much as it goes for us. Deities are not rapists, and in every case: they push monogamy and honesty, because otherwise is, at minimum, very energetically messy.
There is not one deity whom I have ever worked with who has felt it was acceptable to lie, cheat, pillage, or rape. This is how we view our gods like Zeus and Odin because the people who wrote about them wanted to behave poorly, and they knew they could use God to do it. (Which should look familiar, if we look at some current world leaders holding a Bible.) Stories about Gods have been used for control long before the current reign.
Zeus, Odin, Ra - deities of this archetype in general: they are everything good about healthy masculinity. They are meant to be about mature, structured, balanced energy, which can rule nations. They’re meant to be good parents and good partners. They are meant to be The Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father. No matter our relationship with our Earthly father, we should be able to look at Zeus and Odin and see a dad. That is truly the function of this figure, and that is how poorly it has been mishandled.
With Baba Yaga, Hecate, Lilith, Freyja, Hel -a lot of people will swear they work with these beings, especially magically, and especially to harm others. This is straight up not a thing. Again, over thousands of spirit guide readings, I could count on one hand the number of times Baba Yaga or Hecate has been a permanent spirit guide for people, I honestly only think I’ve seen Hel and Lilith twice each. This is because these figures absolutely are disgusted, and there is not another word for it, they are disgusted by the way their mythology is handled, and by what people do with it now. They are amazed that beings in the 3rd dimension talk about beings in the 12th dimension the way we do, and the way we act as if God is there to bend to our will. It does not work for them, so they very rarely work with people, and only work with people who wouldn’t talk or behave that way.
I have had someone look me in the eyes and tell me they work with The Morrigan, and he cuts up crows in the forest as sacrifice and dances with her and then they curse people together. I very honestly didn’t know what to say, because I knew the person was lying and he knew he was lying, and I’m uncomfortable at best in that paradigm. But most importantly, The Morrigan knew he was lying. I felt her instantly and everywhere, and what I felt from her was fury. If he did know her, he would feel it, too. Lies are obvious to those who care about the truth.
If you work with any of these beings one on one (as well as any other deity), you get a sense of their story that is very different from what has been told previously.
I regularly find people who grew up heavily in one religion have a very hard time embracing deity guides. I have many people ask me, is getting to know their deity guides going to bring them further away from Jesus or Allah? But honestly, no! Nothing could be more beautiful for God in all their forms than for us to appreciate all their forms. For us to understand that God is many things, and that many of those things are not the place for humans to worry about understanding. They are not under any obligation to make sense to us, and are trying to stoke the divinity within us. We can get to know them one on one and have an absolutely beautiful, realistic, true relationship.
They want us to work from a place of love of God rather than fear of God. The current global paradigm is pushing fear of God as the narrative. Too many people have us believing this world can only be cleansed with fire. The deities want to cleanse with love. And they want to help us go back to being the loving beings whom we were meant to be.
Angels are currently thought of mostly as being part of the Abrahamic religions, but they predate earth and every earth religion, and have been written about in many spiritual traditions!
Angels are also not reincarnating - which means none of us has ever been an angel or will be, unfortunately. Angels also are not still being created, which I find very interesting! The angels whom we have now are the angels whom our universe will always have. They’re the oldest beings in existence in our universe other than the deities, and angels are also on the path to enlightenment (as all beings with souls are) and some have already become deities! Thanatos, Eros, and Nike are deities who used to be angels, which is why we see them depicted how we do.
Also interesting to note and something people find very surprising: angels are opposed to nearly all depictions of themselves. They have several reasons, but especially a human need to sexualize many beings in artistic depictions of them, and angels are asexual and disturbed by this. When Archangel Michael is depicted as a shirtless, sexy, sweating human, it honestly really offends and upsets him!
Archangel Michael is the leader of angels and probably *the most common* permanent spirit guide from any group! He’s very close to being a deity himself, and incredibly invested in helping people move forward as a whole.
Angels are invested with our life purpose, but they’re especially invested in day-to-day living and especially by helping us understand the need for compatible and harmonious relationships. Angels are very invested in cleansing and healing our chakras. (There are many Archangel Michael-specific chakra meditations on YouTube, and he loves most of them!) They’re so invested in this because when we have cleansed and healthy chakras, it means our belief systems are helping instead of hurting us, which means we will help instead of hurt others. This is just energetic fact: it is impossible to be energetically healthy and hurt others at the same time. One who harms others (whether physically, vocally, mentally, emotionally, it doesn’t matter) is simply not aligned with Spirit or their inner being - it’s energetically impossible.
Angels are possibly where we see this most clearly! In spirit guide readings, I am most likely to have them bring up energy healing, chakra healing, familial issues, and especially issues with our parents we’re carrying from childhood. They care about helping us not bring childhood wounds into our adult homes. They care very much that we do not burden our children with the same things we were burdened with and try to heal generational trauma. Archangel Michael works with me (and most healers) significantly in energy healing, especially to help those with severe fatherhood wounds, as he can stand in as our Heavenly Father for this kind of healing.
Many of our stories about the angels (just like the stories we have about many deities) are wildly inaccurate, showing the agenda of the people who wrote about them and not the essence of the beings.
For instance, I must bring up Turiel and Azazel.
Turiel is one of the seraphim, an angel even higher in rank than an archangel, and a *very common* spirit guide for humanity. He’s actually the only of the seraphim willing to be a guide for humans on earth. In Christian myth, unfortunately, he’s mentioned only briefly and as a “fallen angel,” which does not exist, and is human nonsense. (Though there are some very ancient evil beings who look like very dark versions of what we see as angels, and I think this is where we get the idea.) Turiel is not a fallen angel and again this isn’t a thing - he’s a lovely being who guides many humans and feels very invested in humanity, despite what we’ve done to his stories. Imagine the love that takes? Imagine being called an evil, fallen angel by an entire species, and guiding and loving them anyway? This is Spirit.
One only needs to watch shows like Supernatural to see the name Azazel has been taken and used, often as a demonic character. This is very sad to me because the angel Azazel is lovely, also very invested in humanity, and is a guide for many despite those stories which hurt him.
Archangel Lucifer, whom I think is hilarious, has a socks-and-sandals vibe and very calmly explains that he’s not a guide for people for the same reasons. It’s not worth trying to correct what has been done to his stories, he gives up. He’s less disgusted, but finds it amusing, silly, and a little sad that humans say they work with him for evil, and some of them even believe it. He isn't a spirit guide for humans, though he will speak to (but still not guide) those who care to understand his essence.
When I see a person who has a high number of angel guides, I know unequivocally they are a person who maximizes good, minimizes harm, and lives well - the angels are about fierce accountability and self-control above all, and these are the people whom they guide most!
Angels (and all guides) will help people of any gender or gender expression, regardless of sexuality, etc., and to think otherwise is to fundamentally misunderstand angels and Spirit in general!
*Very, very* tired of people who assert Spirit hates gays when Spirit only hates hatred and violence to other beings.
We do not see permanent angel guides and permanent dragon guides in the same people, as the two (angels and dragons) are energetically incompatible. Before each lifetime, we see which will be more helpful for us, as the two are invested in different areas of life. (We will go further into this in the section about temporary and intermittent guides.)
Though saints are inherently Christian, they do not only guide Christian people. They will guide anyone who is devoted to Spirit as they were. Though they were devoted to one aspect of Spirit called Jesus, they will guide anyone who is devoted to Spirit or the larger world and society the same way.
Our permanent spirit guides are canonized Saints: this means a person who has been formally recognized for their life of devotion and service to Spirit through the Catholic church. I myself am not and have never been Christian, but I have great respect for saints and I appreciate everything they do for those whom they guide! Don't let any religious hang ups stop you from appreciating the watchful eye of these beings.
As guides, saints are very invested in the most human aspects of life: parenthood, family dynamics, love and connection. They want us to do well as humans - to be the loving and connected beings we came here to be.
Are you seeing a theme? While they’re all invested in our purpose - higher-dimensional beings are very focused on day-to-day living because if that is off, right from the get-go, we’re much less likely to do what we came to do. Spirit pushes healthy living because that’s what pushes us toward our life purpose.
Saints are an interesting case, because like ancestors, they’re human spirits in many senses! These spirits, however, are no longer reincarnating - to be a permanent saint guide, they must have reached enlightenment along with sainthood. (Once any being reaches enlightenment or Oneness, if they were still incarnating, they won’t anymore.)
Saints help us especially by asking us for and encouraging reflection - helping us see clearly so we can make big changes for ourselves! The only true changes in our lives are self-initiated; they come from within, and our saint guides love to help us see where these changes may be helpful.
Again, saints will help people of any gender or gender expression, regardless of sexuality, etc., and to think otherwise is to fundamentally misunderstand saints and Spirit in general!
Dragons have been spoken or written about by nearly every culture, and had art created for them for thousands of years. Like any other guides, dragons have all different looks and personalities, cultures, and abilities. They are the oldest beings in our universe, after deities and angels (at least, in dimensions 7-12). Dragons actually belong in each category, as some are in the lower dimensions with us as well! The dragons in further dimensions (7-12, respectively) do not reincarnate, and have to hope to reach enlightenment in one body and through one, very long lifetime! Dragons in the lower dimensions regularly have fae or elemental connections, and are reincarnating beings, though their lifetimes are incredibly long.
I find them to be incredibly caring and close, though probably the most formal guides we have. And they enjoy it when we’re respectful of this preference for formality. When I first became aware of dragons, I would ask them to spell their names out for me, and for a brief time I wondered why all dragon names seemed to start with the letters Iam, but it was actually dragons formally introducing themselves: I am… and then they would spell the name from there! No other beings I’ve worked with have felt the need to introduce themselves so formally as dragons do en masse.
Dragons can offer us significant wisdom and guidance! Permanent guides often arrive especially if we’re on a spiritual path, have been passing tests and moving forward, or are working on our psychic or intuitive abilities. They’re most likely to help us with growing intuitively or psychically, and they’re especially taken with those who show some amount of energetic mastery in their practice or daily lifestyle. (I see dragons VERY taken with those who do martial arts, those who have taken on meditation as a true way of life, people who are craftsmen or intense artists - people who really put their soul or meraki into everything they do, dragons love this.)
Dragons also *really* appreciate altars, art, and dedications, by far more than any other group. Unlike deities and angels, dragons *love* most depictions of themselves and other dragons, and they love when we have reminders of them around. In spirit guide readings, dragons will regularly ask that the sitter dedicate a crystal, candle, altar, art, or area to them.
Often, dragon guides give me nicknames or shortened versions of their names, as their names are frequently not ones we can pronounce! If you are able to channel the name of one of your dragon guides, don’t be surprised if this is the case.
Lower-Dimensional Beings
Star Beings
Star Beings are very cool guides for a number of reasons, but I especially love that there is so much variety in them! Star beings are most often spirit guides who watch over us from other timelines. Not necessarily only other planets! They can be from the past, present, or future, from Earth or any other star system, they can be humans or animals, fantastical or magical creatures, beings with no form…
I regularly see certain aspects of self, such as inner children, as star being guides. We can have past-life selves or future-life selves and even concurrent selves (our soul living somewhere else at the same time - it’s rare but it happens) and concurrent family as star being guides. There are even star being deities - the list is truly endless!
While I want to say a lot more here, I’m also reticent because honestly the words “star being” and “starseed” often make me want to run and hide. There are so many misconceptions and fundamental misunderstandings about what these words mean, what they are, who is one and who is not - but it’s relevant, because people look here for spirit guides very often. Many people who are most concerned with star beings are so because they are convinced they are a specific “kind of starseed.” I really understand feeling out of place on earth, I understand the need for this kind of connection, but sometimes we’re looking in the wrong place.
This is a direct quote from a past-life regression of an old soul, when asked if they’re a starseed (while I’m sharing one, I have many like it): “We don’t come from a planet; we come from Source. Souls come from the Source. We work on many planets and in many dimensions to blend in different lessons. I have lived in and been part of many places, so sure, call me a starseed.”
This is so important to me because this is what I always see in past life regression, and something people often misunderstand. Our higher selves do not identify as starseeds in the way we think they do. Old souls identify as part of the source, not as part of any planet. Old souls identify as a mix of experiences from every planet they have ever lived on - so the higher selves of old souls are not saying things like, “I’m here as a pleiadian starseed this lifetime.” A starseed does not feel like a pleiadian starseed, a starseed feels like a mix of every lifetime they have ever had, and every planet they have ever lived on or worked with, including earth. I do connect to some higher selves who preferred some planets or star systems to others, who like some better, but they don’t identify as being part of a particular place that way, because it’s just a little silly to them to do so.
So, the reason I say all this isn’t to hurt anybody, but I think it’s very important because star beings are actually not very common guides, and this is something we don’t understand. Really, the common star being guides are aspects of self or future or past-life selves, because many others are not compatible with our energy.
The stories we have heard about other planets and many star beings are true, I’m not saying otherwise. There are many planets very invested in the well-being of earth and the way it is headed, and there are many beings from other planets much farther along who are watching people on earth and trying to guide us en masse as a culture, but they’re usually not energetically compatible with being permanent spirit guides for us on an individual basis.
A lot of this makes more sense when we understand the difference between temporary and intermittent spirit guides versus permanent guides, which is going to follow this. Many star beings are simply energetically incompatible with us, and with the kind of help we need. Our permanent spirit guides have to be energetically compatible with us and each other, and again we’re going to get into that in the section following the different kinds of guides. There are other star systems and planets where the beings there are helping earth in a very overarching, general sense by working with specific channelers on earth, by putting out their stories of what has happened in other places. They are reaching out and trying to help us globally because that’s how they can communicate, but they’re not often permanent spirit guides because they’re simply not in the energetic position to be so.
Permanent fairy spirit guides all fall into one of two categories: pixies and sprites. The many other races of fae will occasionally help humans, but they are not energetically compatible with being permanent guides for people. Fairies are very close to us (dimensionally speaking) so it’s easy for them to affect physical matters - many love to help us with luck (which is really just being in the right place at the right time) and physical obstacles.
Pixies are often a lot like we’ve been taught to imagine fairies! Inherently mischievous, especially in fun and silly ways. They like to dance and play in large groups, and they're a bit bigger than sprites (they often show themselves as 2-3 feet, whereas sprites could usually be measured in inches!). Some pixies can also be elemental guides, as they can be pixie gnomes. Pixie gnomes are just the dang cutest! Pixies often give me silly nicknames or show me goofy imagery. They’re truly adorable and I always love connecting with them - an energy so silly and fun without being necessarily childlike.
Sprites have a lot of variety. Some sprites can be both a fairy and elemental guide as well, as they're often tied to water. Sprites often are and love to guide muses, artists, and poets. They love to paint and take on many fine art processes, and they adore people who do as well. They occasionally take on human form and they've even been known to stay in human form after having fallen in love with a human or human life! Sprites can also sometimes be a shade, or a soul fragment of a passed away human, especially a young child. They’re very small but carry a lot of depth!
Fairies are a lot like dragons in that they love most depictions of themselves and other fairies - they aren’t picky about the art we have around, but they do like when we have depictions of them!
Fairies are so interesting in spirit guide readings. They love the people whom they guide so fiercely it would be hard to even describe it. I work with clients whom I call “fairy people:” they have so much fairy energy surrounding them that their fairies are really their most prevalent guides, even above the higher-dimensional beings! Fairies looooove some people, they just really do! If you’re one of these people, you likely feel it reading this.
Fairy guides are often the higher selves of fairies who knew us in past lifetimes, and I regularly see a large group of fairies only with those who have been some kind of fairy in a past life. Those who have been fairies in the past are likely to have fairy guides their entire life, from when they’re children in this lifetime.
They’re usually invested in helping us with everyday luck, being in the right place at the right time, finding lost items. But they also really like to displace our items sometimes, or shake things up to get us moving if they feel like we’ve stagnated. They’re often very mischievous!
Elemental Beings
The elemental beings who can be permanent spirit guides are nature spirits who embody one of the four primary elements of our planet: earth, air, fire, or water. Though they’re here with us, they are spirits and cannot be seen by most humans, though some people with psychic abilities can see them, should the elemental being allow it. There are significantly more elemental beings (of more kinds than this) on earth than there are humans (which is sad when we think about how we’re the main force of destruction for the natural world).
The options here are nearly endless! There are thousands of possible looks, species, and personalities from these beings, just to start. While many can appear human, they tend to instead blend into their environment and look like waves, rocks, lizards, butterflies, etc.
They help maintain this planet's balance and vibration. Their natural frequency will be close to that of the element they come from, giving them control over those elements. They prefer to live in places less traversed by humans, but you likely run into them if you spend a lot of time in nature.
There are four categories of Elemental beings: Undines are water creatures, Sylphs are air creatures, Gnomes are earth creatures, and Salamanders are fire creatures.
Gnomes or earth spirits are the most common elemental spirit guides. Of those gnomes, the two most common spirit guides are brownies and elves. Those two beings are so different it’s almost impossible to describe it, and still, they both identify as and are gnomes and earth creatures. The elemental world is very interesting this way! It would be impossible to say how many kinds of beings there actually are who fall under umbrellas like “earth elemental” or “fae,” and there’s a lot of crossover between a lot of these realms (including with lower-dimensional dragons). I also occasionally run into spryads (like what we think of as fauns but fauns are distinct and tiny and spryads are much bigger) or pygmies (a lot like what we think of as dwarves, but they live in many, very distinct tribes), both of which are incredibly uncommon spirit guides. There are a few other kinds of elemental earth beings who can be permanent spirit guides for us occasionally, but whom I have never run into in a spirit guide reading! (Durdali, dryads, hamadryads, fauns.) Gnomes of all kinds are usually trying to help us with groundedness and being realistic, but they also remind us to have fun and enjoy ourselves, especially in grounded and realistic ways.
Undines are next most common among elemental beings, though fairly uncommon guides! There are a few different categories, depending on what kind of water they live in, but all essentially show themselves how we would consider a mermaid to look. They are very invested in emotional well-being – they help us control and cleanse our emotional waters, so to speak. They’re only invested in emotional people who care about understanding the way their emotions influence their lives and the lives of those around them.
Sylphs are often artists and muses, and these are who they love to guide! They are very rare guides, and often they are beings with no form who don’t claim a particular gender - like a gust of wind with a personality! They’re honestly incredible.
Salamanders are by far the most elusive, I think I’ve only ever had one salamander show up in a spirit guide reading. They’re very picky, very private, and as a rule, they tend to think humans have done enough with the progress we’re determined to make at the cost of the planet we stand on, and they think we would be better off with more watery help and settling down a little. They don’t want to add fuel to our fire.
Spirit animals are supernatural animals who watch over us from the world of spirit. Sometimes, animal guides are with us from lifetimes in which we ourselves were animals! Other times, they're helping us with something specific, but don't necessarily have a tie to us beyond that.
Occasionally, I meet animal guides who act as shamanic spirit animals, including for those who had prevalent past lives as shamans but who have not awakened those gifts yet during this lifetime.
There's as much variety in animal guides as there is in animals! There are so many options, and so many things they want to help us with. As guides, animals are most invested in our life purpose and hoping we meet it, and that it brings us day-to-day comfort.
Ancestor guides are humans who have passed away, though in many cases they may not technically be an "ancestor." An ancestor spirit guide may have known you as a friend, a sibling, a spouse or lover, a son or daughter, a parent or grandparent, a deceased parental figure, someone whom you thought you barely knew but whose life you touched. They may also be watching over you from your spouse's or partner’s family.
I’ve seen truly amazing things here – including the spirits of passed away historical figures as ancestor guides for people incarnated now!
In one amazing case, I read for an American client who was born in the 90’s. She had an ancestor guide who was a Japanese musician who had passed away in the 80’s, but her sincere passion for him, his life, and the way his music made her feel during her hardest times had drawn him to her though they’d never met and hadn’t even spoken the same language in life. They weren’t even alive at the same time, and his spirit was a permanent spirit guide for her.
They are often family members who were not alive in our lifetime, and thus did not meet us on this plane. There are so many options! In any case, they're loving and very invested guides who want to see us succeed. Often, a particular ancestor guide tries to show us their presence in our life, and they want to help us with something specific, so all we need to do is ask for their help!
*Sometimes, we expect a specific passed person to be a spirit guide for us, they are not, and it hurts us. It is important to remember spirits are at different stages of growth and development, and some are not yet ready to be spirit guides! This has nothing to do with our connection or relationship, and the spirit likely still watches over us in a different sense.*
We also occasionally have past-life ancestor guides, those who have no connection to us this time, but who had passed ancestral trauma down to us during a former lifetime, meaning now there is some karma and trauma to work through, and this is generally the only time we see an ancestor guide from a different lifetime.
As guides, ancestors are most invested in family, healing familial trauma, generational change. Often, grandparents will bring up what they wish they had done differently in their lifetime for their children. Ancestor guides make it incredibly clear: we learn and grow and change after we pass away as well. They want to help us avoid making the mistakes they feel they made during their lifetime.
Temporary and Intermittent Spirit Guides VS Permanent Guides
In spirit guide readings, I read for permanent spirit guides. Being a permanent spirit guide for us is actually a very big deal! Agreeing to be a permanent spirit guide means their energy is entangled with ours to some degree, and that they’re planning to be with us for the rest of the lifetime, once they’ve arrived. (They may choose to leave at any time.)
The reason our guides (whether they’re in the 12th dimension or here in this one with us) can give us intuitive nudges is because their energy is entangled with ours. Those who guide us in a permanent capacity feel us all the time. They know when we speak to them, they listen to our concerns, and they want to help us with them. Though it’s important to note - they consider it a breach of consent to listen to your personal thoughts, so they absolutely don’t. They only know your thoughts if you’re speaking to or about them (even in your head). They give us constant, and I sincerely mean constant, intuitive nudges and advice which would move us forward out of absolutely everything that hurts us. Most of our pain is not coming from lack of guidance, it’s coming from lack of following that guidance.
So, to be a permanent spirit guide, again this means their energy is intertwined with ours in a way. This also means their energy is intertwined with each other’s through us! This means each of our spirit guides has to be energetically compatible with the rest of our permanent spirit guides, to be a permanent spirit guide for us in any given lifetime.
Many deities are incompatible with one another. Angels and dragons are inherently energetically incompatible, so we cannot ever see permanent angel and dragon spirit guides in the same person during the same lifetime. While pixies and sprites love to be spirit guides for people, the remainder of the fae are not energetically compatible with some humans, nor are they energetically compatible with a lot of higher dimensional beings in a lot of ways, which means they cannot be permanent spirit guides for us. Star beings are often incarnated beings themselves, and thus energetically can’t be a permanent spirit guide for us.
So, we may also have temporary or intermittent guides. These are guides who cannot affect our intuition because their energy is not entangled with ours or our other guides’ the same way. They can’t directly give us a thought which feels like our own, like our permanent guides can. They can’t feel us or hear us all the time, but they can check in with us and help us in other ways. We can also still choose to channel them or work with them very closely. For instance, though I have dragon guides this lifetime, I work with the angels incredibly closely and every single day. I have many clients who have angel guides who still work with dragons very closely. With respect and reverence, we can work with any of these beings whom we want! They just can’t be permanent spirit guides for us in every single case.
Many of our temporary and intermittent guides are guides who have known us in other lifetimes and who care about us very deeply, but are energetically incompatible with someone more relevant for us this lifetime. If we have a lifetime as a spiritualist, very different guides will need to help us than if we have a lifetime as a ballet instructor. Very different guides are needed for someone who’s going to work as a shaman than for someone who works at a post office. We all do well with guides, but we all need different guides.
So before each lifetime, those who are most relevant for the lifetime we are going to have are chosen. Depending on one’s life path, it will be chosen before they are even born whether they will have permanent angel guides that lifetime or dragon guides that lifetime. As well as who their deity guides will be, should they be on their life path.
This is why we may have a guide visit temporarily, we may feel them around very strongly, though they are not a permanent spirit guide for us. This is usually because they have known us in past lifetimes, have worked with us very closely before, but are simply energetically incompatible with the guides or a guide whom we need most this lifetime. I see this very regularly with the angels, who love and are very invested in humanity, differently than any other group. Angels will regularly hang around like guardian angels for those who have permanent dragon guides.
Through my Etsy shop, I offer a full permanent spirit guide reading.
Thanks for reading!